saveUWS(AbstractUWS, File, boolean) - Static method in class uws.UWSToolBox
Serializes (Java Object Serialization) the given UWS in the specified file.
searchJobs(String) - Method in class uws.job.JobList
Gets all job whose the runID is equals (not case sensitive) to the given runID.
SEE_OTHER - Static variable in exception uws.UWSException
sendError(UWSException, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class uws.service.AbstractUWS
Fills the response with the given error.
sendError(Exception, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class uws.service.AbstractUWS
Fills the response with the given error.
SerializableUWSObject - Class in uws.job
This class defines the methods that an object of the UWS pattern must implement to be written in any format (by default, XML ; see XMLSerializer).
SerializableUWSObject() - Constructor for class uws.job.SerializableUWSObject
serialize(UWSSerializer, String) - Method in class uws.job.AbstractJob
serialize(String[], UWSSerializer) - Method in class uws.job.AbstractJob
Serializes the specified attribute of this job by using the given serializer.
serialize(OutputStream, String[], UWSSerializer) - Method in class uws.job.AbstractJob
Serializes the specified attribute of this job in the given output stream by using the given serializer.
serialize(UWSSerializer, String) - Method in class uws.job.ErrorSummary
serialize(UWSSerializer, String) - Method in class uws.job.JobList
serialize(UWSSerializer, String) - Method in class uws.job.Result
serialize(UWSSerializer) - Method in class uws.job.SerializableUWSObject
Serializes the whole object thanks to the given serializer.
serialize(UWSSerializer, String) - Method in class uws.job.SerializableUWSObject
Serializes the whole object considering the given owner ID (supposed to be the ID of the current user) and thanks to the given serializer.
serialize(OutputStream, UWSSerializer) - Method in class uws.job.SerializableUWSObject
Serializes the whole object in the given output stream and thanks to the given serializer.
serialize(OutputStream, UWSSerializer, String) - Method in class uws.job.SerializableUWSObject
Serializes the while object in the given output stream, considering the given owner ID and thanks to the given serializer.
serialize(UWSSerializer, String) - Method in class uws.service.AbstractUWS
serializers - Variable in class uws.service.AbstractUWS
List of available serializers.
SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE - Static variable in exception uws.UWSException
SET_JOB_PARAM - Static variable in class uws.service.actions.UWSAction
Name of the UWS action SetJobParam.
setAbortedPhase(boolean) - Method in class uws.job.JobPhase
Changes the current phase to ABORTED.
setAttributes(String[]) - Method in class uws.service.UWSUrl
Sets all the job attributes.
setCompletedPhase(boolean) - Method in class uws.job.JobPhase
Changes the current phase to COMPLETED.
setDateFormat(DateFormat) - Method in class uws.job.AbstractJob
Sets the date-time formatter to use.
setDefaultDestructionInterval(int) - Method in class uws.service.controller.DestructionTimeController
Sets the default interval in minutes from the initialization to the destruction of the concerned job.
setDefaultDestructionInterval(int, DestructionTimeController.DateField) - Method in class uws.service.controller.DestructionTimeController
Sets the default interval (in the given unit) from the initialization to the destruction of the concerned job.
setDefaultDestructionTime(Date) - Method in class uws.service.controller.DestructionTimeController
Sets the default destruction time.
setDefaultDestructionTime(AbstractJob) - Method in class uws.service.controller.DestructionTimeController
Sets the destruction time of the given job with the default value.
setDefaultExecutionDuration(long) - Method in class uws.service.controller.ExecutionDurationController
Sets the default execution duration.
setDefaultExecutionDuration(AbstractJob) - Method in class uws.service.controller.ExecutionDurationController
Sets the execution duration of the given job with the default value.
setDefaultHomePage() - Method in class uws.service.AbstractUWS
Forgets the home page specified by using AbstractUWS.setHomePage(URL, boolean) - if any - and go back to the default home page (XML format).
setDefaultSerializer(String) - Method in class uws.service.AbstractUWS
Sets the MIME of the serializer to use by default.
setDescription(String) - Method in class uws.service.AbstractUWS
Sets the description of this UWS.
setDestructionManager(DestructionManager) - Method in class uws.job.JobList
Sets the destruction manager to use.
setDestructionManager(DestructionManager) - Method in class uws.service.AbstractUWS
Sets its destruction manager.
setDestructionTime(Date) - Method in class uws.job.AbstractJob
Sets the instant when the job shall be destroyed ONLY IF the job can updated (considering its current execution phase, see JobPhase.isJobUpdatable()).
setDestructionTime(AbstractJob, Date) - Method in class uws.service.controller.DestructionTimeController
Controls the given value and sets the destruction time of the given job with this value.
setDestructionTimeController(DestructionTimeController) - Method in class uws.service.AbstractUWS
Sets the object which lets the UWS controlling the destruction time of all managed jobs.
setEndTime(Date) - Method in class uws.job.AbstractJob
Sets the time at which the job execution has finished.
setErrorPhase(boolean) - Method in class uws.job.JobPhase
Changes the current phase to ERROR.
setErrorSummary(ErrorSummary) - Method in class uws.job.AbstractJob
Sets the error that occurs during the execution of this job.
setExecutingPhase(boolean) - Method in class uws.job.JobPhase
Changes the current phase to EXECUTING.
setExecutionDuration(long) - Method in class uws.job.AbstractJob
Sets the duration (in seconds) for which this job shall run ONLY IF the job can updated (considering its current execution phase, see JobPhase.isJobUpdatable()).
setExecutionDuration(AbstractJob, long) - Method in class uws.service.controller.ExecutionDurationController
Controls the given value and sets the execution duration of the given job with this value.
setExecutionDurationController(ExecutionDurationController) - Method in class uws.service.AbstractUWS
Sets the object which lets the UWS controlling the execution duration of all managed jobs.
setExecutionManager(ExecutionManager) - Method in class uws.job.AbstractJob
Sets the execution manager of this job.
setExecutionManager(ExecutionManager) - Method in class uws.service.AbstractUWS
Sets its execution manager.
setHeldPhase(boolean) - Method in class uws.job.JobPhase
Changes the current phase to HELD.
setHomePage(URL, boolean) - Method in class uws.service.AbstractUWS
Sets the URL of the resource which must be used as home page of this UWS.
setHomePage(String) - Method in class uws.service.AbstractUWS
Sets the URI of the resource which must be used as home page of this UWS.
setJobId(String) - Method in class uws.service.UWSUrl
Sets the job ID.
setJobList(JobList<? extends AbstractJob>) - Method in class uws.job.AbstractJob
Sets its jobs list.
setJobListName(String) - Method in class uws.service.UWSUrl
Sets the jobs list name.
SetJobParam<JL extends JobList<J>,J extends AbstractJob> - Class in uws.service.actions
The "Set Job Parameter" action of a UWS.
SetJobParam(AbstractUWS<JL, J>) - Constructor for class uws.service.actions.SetJobParam
setMaxDestructionInterval(int) - Method in class uws.service.controller.DestructionTimeController
Sets the maximum interval in minutes from the initialization to the destruction of the concerned job.
setMaxDestructionInterval(int, DestructionTimeController.DateField) - Method in class uws.service.controller.DestructionTimeController
Sets the maximum interval (in the given unit) from the initialization to the destruction of the concerned job.
setMaxDestructionTime(Date) - Method in class uws.service.controller.DestructionTimeController
Sets the maximum destruction time.
setMaxExecutionDuration(long) - Method in class uws.service.controller.ExecutionDurationController
Sets the maximum execution duration.
setMaxRunningJobs(int) - Method in class uws.job.manager.QueuedExecutionManager
Sets the maximum number of running jobs.
setMaxRunningJobs(int) - Method in class uws.service.QueuedBasicUWS
Sets the maximum number of jobs that can run in the same time.
setMaxRunningJobs(int) - Method in class uws.service.QueuedExtendedUWS
Sets the maximum number of jobs that can run in the same time.
setMimeTypes(Map<String, Float>) - Method in class uws.AcceptHeader
Sets the association between MIME types and their quality.
setName(String) - Method in class uws.service.AbstractUWS
Sets the name of this UWS.
setNoQueue() - Method in class uws.job.manager.DefaultExecutionManager
setNoQueue() - Method in interface uws.job.manager.ExecutionManager
Lets indicating that no more jobs must be put in the queue.
setNoQueue() - Method in class uws.job.manager.QueuedExecutionManager
setPendingPhase(boolean) - Method in class uws.job.JobPhase
Changes the current phase to PENDING.
setPhase(ExecutionPhase) - Method in class uws.job.AbstractJob
Sets the current phase of this job.
setPhase(ExecutionPhase, boolean) - Method in class uws.job.AbstractJob
Sets the current phase of this job, respecting or not the imposed order.
setPhase(ExecutionPhase) - Method in class uws.job.JobPhase
Lets changing the current phase of the associated job considering the order of execution phases.
setPhase(ExecutionPhase, boolean) - Method in class uws.job.JobPhase
Lets changing the current phase of the associated job considering or not the order of execution phases.
setPhaseManager(JobPhase) - Method in class uws.job.AbstractJob
Sets the phase manager of this job.
setQueuedPhase(boolean) - Method in class uws.job.JobPhase
Changes the current phase to QUEUED.
setQuote(long) - Method in class uws.job.AbstractJob
Sets the quote attribute of this job ONLY IF the job can updated (considering its current execution phase, see JobPhase.isJobUpdatable()).
setRunId(String) - Method in class uws.job.AbstractJob
Sets the RunID of this job ONLY IF the job can updated (considering its current execution phase, see JobPhase.isJobUpdatable()).
setStartTime(Date) - Method in class uws.job.AbstractJob
Sets the time at which the job execution has started.
setSuspendedPhase(boolean) - Method in class uws.job.JobPhase
Changes the current phase to SUSPENDED.
setTimeToWaitForEnd(long) - Method in class uws.job.AbstractJob
Sets the time to wait for the end of the thread after an interruption.
setUnknownPhase(boolean) - Method in class uws.job.JobPhase
Changes the current phase to UNKNOWN.
setUrlInterpreter(UWSUrl) - Method in class uws.service.AbstractUWS
Sets the UWS URL interpreter to use in this UWS.
setUserIdentifier(UserIdentifier) - Method in class uws.service.AbstractUWS
Sets the object which lets extracting the use ID from a received request.
setUWS(AbstractUWS) - Method in class uws.job.JobList
Sets the UWS which aims to manage this jobs list.
setUWSAction(int, UWSAction<JL, J>) - Method in class uws.service.AbstractUWS
Replaces the specified action by the given action.
setUwsURI(String) - Method in class uws.service.UWSUrl
Sets the whole UWS URI (that is to say a URI starting with the jobs list name).
setXSLTPath(String) - Method in class uws.job.serializer.XMLSerializer
Sets the path/URL of the XSLT style-sheet to use.
setXsltURL(String) - Method in class uws.service.AbstractUWS
Sets the URL of the XSLT style-sheet that the XML serializer of this UWS must use.
ShowHomePage<JL extends JobList<J>,J extends AbstractJob> - Class in uws.service.actions
The "Show UWS Home Page" action of a UWS.
ShowHomePage(AbstractUWS<JL, J>) - Constructor for class uws.service.actions.ShowHomePage
start() - Method in class uws.job.AbstractJob
Starts the job by using the execution manager if any.
start(boolean) - Method in class uws.job.AbstractJob
Starts the job.
startJob(String, String) - Method in class uws.service.UWSUrl
Gets the UWS URL (HTTP-GET ONLY) to start the specified job.
stop() - Method in class uws.job.AbstractJob
Stops the thread that executes the work of this job.
stop() - Method in class uws.job.manager.DefaultDestructionManager
Stops the timer if running and set to null DefaultDestructionManager.timDestruction, DefaultDestructionManager.currentDate and DefaultDestructionManager.currentJob.
sync() - Method in class uws.job.AbstractJob
This method is called by its job list just after the de-serialization of the whole UWS (this job included).
sync() - Method in class uws.job.JobList
This method is called by its UWS just after a de-serialization of the whole UWS (this jobs list included).
sync() - Method in class uws.job.manager.DefaultExecutionManager
sync() - Method in interface uws.job.manager.ExecutionManager
This method is called just after a de-serialization.
sync() - Method in class uws.job.manager.QueuedExecutionManager
sync() - Method in class uws.service.AbstractUWS
This method is called just after a de-serialization of this UWS.