Package uws.job

Interface Summary
JobObserver Any object which wants to follow the progression of any instance of AbstractJob.

Class Summary
AbstractJob Brief description Abstract implementation of a job of the UWS pattern.
AbstractJob.DurationTimerTask Task that the executionDuration timer of a job must trigger: only calls AbstractJob.abort().
ErrorSummary This class gives a short description of the occurred error (if any) during a job execution.
JobList<J extends AbstractJob> General description An instance of this class lets listing UWS jobs (possible actions: get, add and remove).
JobPhase An instance of this class represents the current execution phase of a given job, and it describes the transitions between the different phases.
JobThread An instance of this class is a thread dedicated to a job execution.
Result This class gives a short description (mainly an ID and a URL) of a job result.
SerializableUWSObject This class defines the methods that an object of the UWS pattern must implement to be written in any format (by default, XML ; see XMLSerializer).

Enum Summary
ErrorType The possible types of an UWS error.
ExecutionPhase A job is treated as a state machine where the Execution Phase is the job state.