Class AbstractUWS<JL extends JobList<J>,J extends AbstractJob>

  extended by uws.job.SerializableUWSObject
      extended by uws.service.AbstractUWS<JL,J>
All Implemented Interfaces:
java.io.Serializable, java.lang.Iterable<JL>, java.util.EventListener, javax.servlet.http.HttpSessionBindingListener
Direct Known Subclasses:
BasicUWS, ExtendedUWS

public abstract class AbstractUWS<JL extends JobList<J>,J extends AbstractJob>
extends SerializableUWSObject
implements java.lang.Iterable<JL>, javax.servlet.http.HttpSessionBindingListener

General description

An abstract facility to implement the Universal Worker Service pattern.

It can manage several jobs lists (create new, get and remove).

It also interprets HttpServletRequest, applies the action specified in its given URL and parameters (according to the IVOA Proposed Recommendation of 2010-02-10) and returns the corresponding response in a HttpServletResponse.

The UWS URL interpreter

Any subclass of AbstractUWS has one object called the UWS URL interpreter. It is stored in the field urlInterpreter. It lets interpreting the URL of any received request. Thus you can know on which jobs list, job and/or job attribute(s) the request applies.

This interpreter must be initialized with the base URL/URI of this UWS. By using the default constructor (the one with no parameter), the URL interpreter will be built at the first request (see UWSUrl.UWSUrl(HttpServletRequest)) and so the base URI is extracted directly from the request).

You want to set another base URI or to use a custom URL interpreter, you have to set yourself the interpreter by using the method setUrlInterpreter(UWSUrl).

Create a job

The most important abstract function of this class is createJob(Map). It allows to create an instance of the type of job which is managed by this UWS. The only parameter is a map of a job attributes. It is the same map that take the functions AbstractJob.AbstractJob(Map) and AbstractJob.addOrUpdateParameters(Map).

There are two convenient implementations of this abstract method in BasicUWS and ExtendedUWS. These two implementations are based on the Java Reflection.

UWS actions

All the actions described in the IVOA recommendation are already managed. Each of these actions are defined in an instance of UWSAction:

However you can add your own UWS actions ! To do that you just need to implement the abstract class UWSAction and to call the method addUWSAction(UWSAction) with an instance of this implementation.

IMPORTANT: You must be careful when you override the function UWSAction.match(UWSUrl, String, HttpServletRequest) so that your test is as precise as possible ! Indeed the order in which the actions of a UWS are evaluated is very important !
If you want to be sure your custom UWS action is always evaluated before any other UWS action you can use the function addUWSAction(int, UWSAction) with 0 as first parameter !

Note: You can also replace an existing UWS action thanks to the method replaceUWSAction(UWSAction) or setUWSAction(int, UWSAction) !

User identification

Some UWS actions need to know the current user so that they can adapt their response (i.e. LIST_JOBS must return the jobs of only one user: the current one). Thus, before executing a UWS action (and even before choosing the good action in function of the request) the function UserIdentifier.extractUserId(UWSUrl, HttpServletRequest) is called. Its goal is to identify the current user in function of the received request.


Queue management

One of the goals of a UWS is to manage an execution queue for all managed jobs. This task is given to an instance of DefaultExecutionManager, stored in the field executionManager. Each time a job is created, the UWS sets it the execution manager (see AddJob). Thus the AbstractJob.start() method will ask to the manager whether it can execute now or whether it must be put in a QUEUED phase until enough resources are available for its execution.

By extending the class DefaultExecutionManager and by overriding DefaultExecutionManager.isReadyForExecution(AbstractJob) you can change the condition which puts a job in the EXECUTING or in the QUEUED phase. By default, a job is put in the QUEUED phase if there are more running jobs than a given number.

With this manager it is also possible to list all running jobs in addition of all queued jobs, thanks to the methods: DefaultExecutionManager.getRunningJobs(), DefaultExecutionManager.getQueuedJobs(), DefaultExecutionManager.getNbRunningJobs() and DefaultExecutionManager.getNbQueuedJobs().

Serializers & MIME types

According to the IVOA recommendation, the XML format is the default format in which each UWS resource must be returned. However it is told that other formats can also be managed. To allow that, AbstractUWS manages a list of UWSSerializer and lets define which is the default one to use. By default, there are two serializers: XMLSerializer (the default choice) and JSONSerializer.

One proposed way to choose automatically the format to use is to look at the Accept header of a HTTP-Request. This header field is a list of MIME types (each one with a quality - a sort of priority). Thus each UWSSerializer is associated with a MIME type so that AbstractUWS can choose automatically the preferred format and so, the serializer to use.

WARNING: Only one UWSSerializer can be associated with a given MIME type in an AbstractUWS instance ! Thus, if you add a UWSSerializer to a UWS, and this UWS has already a serializer for the same MIME type, it will be replaced by the added one.

Note: A XML document can be linked to a XSLT style-sheet. By using the method XMLSerializer.setXSLTPath(String) you can define the path/URL of the XLST to link to each UWS resource.
Since the XMLSerializer is the default format for a UWS resource you can also use the function setXsltURL(String) !

The UWS Home page

As for a job or a jobs list, a UWS is also a UWS resource. That's why it can also be serialized !

However in some cases it could more interesting to substitute this resource by a home page of the whole UWS by using the function: setHomePage(String) or setHomePage(URL, boolean).

Note: To go back to the UWS serialization (that is to say to abort a call to setHomePage(String)), use the method setDefaultHomePage() !

Grégory Mantelet (CDS)
See Also:
AbstractJob, BasicUWS, ExtendedUWS, Serialized Form

Field Summary
protected  UWSSerializer choosenSerializer
          The serializer choosen during the last call of executeRequest(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse).
protected  java.lang.String defaultSerializer
          The MIME type of the default serialization format.
protected  java.lang.String description
          Description of this UWS.
protected  UWSAction<JL,J> executedAction
          The action executed during the last call of executeRequest(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse).
protected  java.lang.String homePage
          URL of the home page.
protected  boolean homeRedirection
          Indicates whether the home page must be a copy or a redirection to the given URL.
protected  java.util.Map<java.lang.String,JL> mapJobLists
          List of all managed jobs lists.
protected  java.lang.String name
          Name of this UWS.
protected  boolean reInitUrlInterpreter
          Indicates whether the UWS URL interpreter must be re-initialize after each de-serialization.
protected  java.util.Map<java.lang.String,UWSSerializer> serializers
          List of available serializers.
protected  UWSUrl urlInterpreter
          The "interpreter" of UWS URLs.
protected  UserIdentifier userIdentifier
          The object to use to extract the user ID from the received request.
protected  java.util.Vector<UWSAction<JL,J>> uwsActions
          List of UWS actions (i.e. to list jobs, to get a job, to set a job parameter, etc...).
Constructor Summary
          Builds a UWS (the base URI will be extracted at the first request directly from the request itself).
protected AbstractUWS(java.lang.String baseURI)
          Builds a UWS with its base UWS URI.
protected AbstractUWS(UWSUrl urlInterpreter)
          Builds a UWS with the given UWS URL interpreter.
Method Summary
 boolean addJobList(JL jl)
          Adds a jobs list to this UWS.
 boolean addSerializer(UWSSerializer serializer)
          Adds a serializer to this UWS WARNING: If there is already a serializer with the same MIME type in this UWS , it will be replaced by the given one !
 boolean addUWSAction(int indAction, UWSAction<JL,J> action)
          Lets inserting the given action at the given position in the actions list of this UWS.
 boolean addUWSAction(UWSAction<JL,J> action)
          Lets adding the given action to this UWS.
abstract  J createJob(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> parameters)
          Creates a job of the type (extension of AbstractJob) which parameterized this implementation of AbstractUWS.
 void destroyAllJobLists()
          Destroys all managed jobs lists.
 boolean destroyJobList(JL jl)
          Destroys the given jobs list.
 boolean destroyJobList(java.lang.String name)
          Destroys the specified jobs list.
 boolean executeRequest(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response)
          Executes the given request according to the IVOA Proposed Recommendation of 2010-02-10.
 java.lang.String getBaseURI()
          Gets the base UWS URL.
 UWSSerializer getChoosenSerializer()
          Gets the serializer choosen during the last call of getSerializer(String).
 java.lang.String getDefaultSerializer()
          Gets the MIME type of the serializer to use by default.
 java.lang.String getDescription()
          Gets the description of this UWS.
 DestructionManager getDestructionManager()
          Gets the destruction manager.
 DestructionTimeController getDestructionTimeController()
          Gets the object which lets the UWS controlling the destruction time of all managed jobs.
 UWSAction<JL,J> getExecutedAction()
          Gets the UWS action executed during the last call of executeRequest(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse).
 ExecutionDurationController getExecutionDurationController()
          Gets the object which lets the UWS controlling the execution duration of all managed jobs.
 ExecutionManager getExecutionManager()
          Gets the execution manager.
 java.lang.String getHomePage()
          Gets the URL of the resource which must be used as home page of this UWS.
 JL getJobList(java.lang.String name)
          Lets retrieve a jobs list in function of its name.
 java.lang.String getName()
          Gets the name of this UWS.
 int getNbJobList()
          Gets the number of managed jobs lists.
 int getNbSerializers()
          Gets the total number of serializers available in this UWS.
 int getNbUWSActions()
          Gets the number of actions this UWS has.
 UWSSerializer getSerializer(java.lang.String mimeTypes)
          Gets the serializer whose the MIME type is the same as the given one.
 java.util.Iterator<UWSSerializer> getSerializers()
          Gets an iterator of the list of all serializers available in this UWS.
 UWSUrl getUrlInterpreter()
          Gets the UWS URL interpreter of this UWS.
 UserIdentifier getUserIdentifier()
          Gets the object which lets extracting the user ID from a received request.
 UWSAction<JL,J> getUWSAction(java.lang.String actionName)
          Gets the action of this UWS which has the same name as the given one.
 java.util.Iterator<UWSAction<JL,J>> getUWSActions()
          Gets all actions of this UWS.
 java.lang.String getXsltURL()
          Gets the URL of the XSLT style-sheet that the XML serializer of this UWS is using.
 boolean hasSerializerFor(java.lang.String mimeType)
          Tells whether this UWS has already a serializer with the given MIME type.
 boolean isDefaultHomePage()
          Indicates whether the current home page is the default one (the UWS serialization) or if it has been specified manually using setHomePage(URL, boolean).
 boolean isHomePageRedirection()
          Tells whether a redirection to the specified home page must be done or not.
 java.util.Iterator<JL> iterator()
          An iterator on the jobs lists list.
 void redirect(java.lang.String url, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response)
          Sends a redirection (with the HTTP status code 303) to the given URL/URI into the given response.
 void removeAllJobLists()
          Removes all managed jobs lists.
 boolean removeJobList(JL jl)
          Removes the given jobs list from this UWS.
 JL removeJobList(java.lang.String name)
          Removes the specified jobs list.
 UWSSerializer removeSerializer(java.lang.String mimeType)
          Removes the serializer whose the MIME type is the same as the given one.
 UWSAction<JL,J> removeUWSAction(int indAction)
          Removes the specified action from this UWS.
 UWSAction<JL,J> removeUWSAction(java.lang.String actionName)
          Removes the action of this UWS which has the same name as the given one.
 UWSAction<JL,J> replaceUWSAction(UWSAction<JL,J> action)
          Replaces the action which has the same name that the given action.
 void sendError(java.lang.Exception error, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response)
           Fills the response with the given error.
 void sendError(UWSException error, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response)
           Fills the response with the given error.
 java.lang.String serialize(UWSSerializer serializer, java.lang.String ownerId)
          Serializes the whole object considering the given owner ID (supposed to be the ID of the current user) and thanks to the given serializer.
 void setDefaultHomePage()
          Forgets the home page specified by using setHomePage(URL, boolean) - if any - and go back to the default home page (XML format).
 void setDefaultSerializer(java.lang.String mimeType)
          Sets the MIME of the serializer to use by default.
 void setDescription(java.lang.String description)
          Sets the description of this UWS.
 void setDestructionManager(DestructionManager newManager)
          Sets its destruction manager.
 void setDestructionTimeController(DestructionTimeController controller)
          Sets the object which lets the UWS controlling the destruction time of all managed jobs.
 void setExecutionDurationController(ExecutionDurationController controller)
          Sets the object which lets the UWS controlling the execution duration of all managed jobs.
 void setExecutionManager(ExecutionManager newManager)
          Sets its execution manager.
 void setHomePage(java.lang.String homePageURI)
          Sets the URI of the resource which must be used as home page of this UWS.
 void setHomePage(java.net.URL homePageUrl, boolean redirect)
          Sets the URL of the resource which must be used as home page of this UWS.
 void setName(java.lang.String name)
          Sets the name of this UWS.
 void setUrlInterpreter(UWSUrl urlInterpreter)
          Sets the UWS URL interpreter to use in this UWS.
 void setUserIdentifier(UserIdentifier identifier)
          Sets the object which lets extracting the use ID from a received request.
 boolean setUWSAction(int indAction, UWSAction<JL,J> action)
          Replaces the specified action by the given action.
 boolean setXsltURL(java.lang.String xsltPath)
          Sets the URL of the XSLT style-sheet that the XML serializer of this UWS must use.
 void sync()
          This method is called just after a de-serialization of this UWS.
 void valueBound(javax.servlet.http.HttpSessionBindingEvent e)
          Called by an HttpSession while adding an instance of AbstractUWS in its attributes list.
 void valueUnbound(javax.servlet.http.HttpSessionBindingEvent e)
          Called by an HttpSession while removing an instance of AbstractUWS from its attributes list.
Methods inherited from class uws.job.SerializableUWSObject
serialize, serialize, serialize
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected java.lang.String name
Name of this UWS.


protected java.lang.String description
Description of this UWS.


protected final java.util.Map<java.lang.String,JL extends JobList<J>> mapJobLists
List of all managed jobs lists. (it is a LinkedHashMap so that jobs lists are ordered by insertion)


protected UWSUrl urlInterpreter
The "interpreter" of UWS URLs.


protected boolean reInitUrlInterpreter
Indicates whether the UWS URL interpreter must be re-initialize after each de-serialization.


protected final java.util.Map<java.lang.String,UWSSerializer> serializers
List of available serializers.


protected java.lang.String defaultSerializer
The MIME type of the default serialization format.


protected UWSSerializer choosenSerializer
The serializer choosen during the last call of executeRequest(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse).


protected java.lang.String homePage
URL of the home page. (NULL if there is no home page)


protected boolean homeRedirection
Indicates whether the home page must be a copy or a redirection to the given URL.


protected final java.util.Vector<UWSAction<JL extends JobList<J>,J extends AbstractJob>> uwsActions
List of UWS actions (i.e. to list jobs, to get a job, to set a job parameter, etc...).


protected UWSAction<JL extends JobList<J>,J extends AbstractJob> executedAction
The action executed during the last call of executeRequest(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse).


protected UserIdentifier userIdentifier
The object to use to extract the user ID from the received request.

Constructor Detail


public AbstractUWS()
Builds a UWS (the base URI will be extracted at the first request directly from the request itself).

See Also:
XMLSerializer, JSONSerializer, ListJobs, AddJob, DestroyJob, JobSummary, GetJobParam, SetJobParam, ShowHomePage


protected AbstractUWS(java.lang.String baseURI)
               throws UWSException
Builds a UWS with its base UWS URI.

baseURI - Base UWS URI.
UWSException - If the given URI is null or empty.
See Also:


protected AbstractUWS(UWSUrl urlInterpreter)
Builds a UWS with the given UWS URL interpreter.

urlInterpreter - The UWS URL interpreter to use in this UWS.
Method Detail


public final void sync()

This method is called just after a de-serialization of this UWS. It re-initializes all the jobs lists.

See Also:


public final java.lang.String getName()
Gets the name of this UWS.

Its name.


public final void setName(java.lang.String name)
Sets the name of this UWS.

name - Its new name.


public final java.lang.String getDescription()
Gets the description of this UWS.

Its description.


public final void setDescription(java.lang.String description)
Sets the description of this UWS.

description - Its new description.


public final java.lang.String getBaseURI()
Gets the base UWS URL.

The base UWS URL.
See Also:


public final UWSUrl getUrlInterpreter()
Gets the UWS URL interpreter of this UWS.

Its UWS URL interpreter.


public final void setUrlInterpreter(UWSUrl urlInterpreter)
Sets the UWS URL interpreter to use in this UWS.

urlInterpreter - Its new UWS URL interpreter (may be null. In this case, it will be created from the next request ; see executeRequest(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse)).


public final ExecutionDurationController getExecutionDurationController()
Gets the object which lets the UWS controlling the execution duration of all managed jobs.

The used execution duration controller


public final void setExecutionDurationController(ExecutionDurationController controller)

Sets the object which lets the UWS controlling the execution duration of all managed jobs.

Note: If the given controller is NULL, nothing is done.

controller - Its new execution duration controller.


public final DestructionTimeController getDestructionTimeController()
Gets the object which lets the UWS controlling the destruction time of all managed jobs.

The used destruction time controller.


public final void setDestructionTimeController(DestructionTimeController controller)

Sets the object which lets the UWS controlling the destruction time of all managed jobs.

Note: If the given controller is NULL, nothing is done.

controller - Its new destruction time controller.


public final UserIdentifier getUserIdentifier()
Gets the object which lets extracting the user ID from a received request.

The used UserIdentifier (may be null).


public final void setUserIdentifier(UserIdentifier identifier)
Sets the object which lets extracting the use ID from a received request.

identifier - The UserIdentifier to use (may be null).


public final DestructionManager getDestructionManager()
Gets the destruction manager.

Its destruction manager (may be null).


public final void setDestructionManager(DestructionManager newManager)

Sets its destruction manager.

Note: The given manager (even if NULL) is set for all managed jobs lists.

newManager - Its new destruction manager.
See Also:


public final ExecutionManager getExecutionManager()
Gets the execution manager.

Its execution manager (may be null).


public final void setExecutionManager(ExecutionManager newManager)
                               throws UWSException

Sets its execution manager.

Note: The execution manager is set for all managed jobs (whatever is their jobs list).

newManager - Its new execution manager.
UWSException - If the given manager is null or if there is an error while setting the new execution manager to a job.
See Also:


public final java.lang.String getHomePage()
Gets the URL of the resource which must be used as home page of this UWS.

The URL of the home page.


public final boolean isHomePageRedirection()
Tells whether a redirection to the specified home page must be done or not.

true if a redirection to the specified resource must be done or false to copy it.


public final void setHomePage(java.net.URL homePageUrl,
                              boolean redirect)
Sets the URL of the resource which must be used as home page of this UWS.

homePageUrl - The URL of the home page (may be null).
redirect - true if a redirection to the specified resource must be done or false to copy it.


public final void setHomePage(java.lang.String homePageURI)

Sets the URI of the resource which must be used as home page of this UWS.

A redirection will always be done on the specified resource.

homePageURI - The URL of the home page.


public final boolean isDefaultHomePage()
Indicates whether the current home page is the default one (the UWS serialization) or if it has been specified manually using setHomePage(URL, boolean).

true if it is the default home page, false otherwise.


public final void setDefaultHomePage()
Forgets the home page specified by using setHomePage(URL, boolean) - if any - and go back to the default home page (XML format).


public final java.lang.String getDefaultSerializer()
Gets the MIME type of the serializer to use by default.

The MIME type of the default serializer.


public final void setDefaultSerializer(java.lang.String mimeType)
                                throws UWSException
Sets the MIME of the serializer to use by default.

mimeType - The MIME type (only one).
UWSException - If there is no serializer with this MIME type available in this UWS.


public final boolean addSerializer(UWSSerializer serializer)

Adds a serializer to this UWS

WARNING: If there is already a serializer with the same MIME type in this UWS , it will be replaced by the given one !

serializer - The serializer to add.
true if the serializer has been successfully added, false otherwise.
See Also:


public final boolean hasSerializerFor(java.lang.String mimeType)
Tells whether this UWS has already a serializer with the given MIME type.

mimeType - A MIME type (only one).
true if a serializer exists with the given MIME type, false otherwise.


public final int getNbSerializers()
Gets the total number of serializers available in this UWS.

The number of its serializers.


public final java.util.Iterator<UWSSerializer> getSerializers()
Gets an iterator of the list of all serializers available in this UWS.

An iterator on its serializers.


public final UWSSerializer getSerializer(java.lang.String mimeTypes)
                                  throws UWSException

Gets the serializer whose the MIME type is the same as the given one.

Note: If this UWS has no corresponding serializer, its default one will be returned !

mimeTypes - The MIME type of the searched serializer (may be more than one MIME types - comma separated ; see the format of the Accept header of a HTTP-Request).
The corresponding serializer or the default serializer of this UWS if no corresponding serializer has been found.
UWSException - If there is no corresponding serializer AND if the default serializer of this UWS can not be found.
See Also:
AcceptHeader.AcceptHeader(String), AcceptHeader.getOrderedMimeTypes()


public final UWSSerializer getChoosenSerializer()
Gets the serializer choosen during the last call of getSerializer(String).

The last used serializer.


public final UWSSerializer removeSerializer(java.lang.String mimeType)
Removes the serializer whose the MIME type is the same as the given one.

mimeType - MIME type of the serializer to remove.
The removed serializer or null if no corresponding serializer has been found.


public final java.lang.String getXsltURL()
Gets the URL of the XSLT style-sheet that the XML serializer of this UWS is using.

The used XSLT URL.


public final boolean setXsltURL(java.lang.String xsltPath)
Sets the URL of the XSLT style-sheet that the XML serializer of this UWS must use.

xsltPath - The new XSLT URL.
true if the given path/url has been successfully set, false otherwise.


public final java.util.Iterator<JL> iterator()
An iterator on the jobs lists list.

Specified by:
iterator in interface java.lang.Iterable<JL extends JobList<J>>
See Also:


public final JL getJobList(java.lang.String name)
Lets retrieve a jobs list in function of its name.

name - Name of the jobs list to get.
The corresponding jobs list or null if there is no jobs list with the given name in this UWS.


public final int getNbJobList()
Gets the number of managed jobs lists.

The number of jobs lists.


public final boolean addJobList(JL jl)
Adds a jobs list to this UWS.

jl - The jobs list to add.
true if the jobs list has been successfully added or if a jobs list with this name already exists, false if the given jobs list is null.
See Also:


public final JL removeJobList(java.lang.String name)
Removes the specified jobs list.

name - Name of the jobs list to remove.
The removed jobs list or null if no jobs list with the given name has been found.
See Also:


public boolean removeJobList(JL jl)
Removes the given jobs list from this UWS.

jl - The jobs list to remove.
true if the jobs list has been successfully removed, false otherwise.
See Also:
JobList.removeAll(), JobList.setUWS(AbstractUWS)


public final boolean destroyJobList(java.lang.String name)
Destroys the specified jobs list.

name - Name of the jobs list to destroy.
true if the given jobs list has been destroyed, false otherwise.
See Also:


public boolean destroyJobList(JL jl)
Destroys the given jobs list.

jl - The jobs list to destroy.
true if the given jobs list has been destroyed, false otherwise.
See Also:
JobList.clear(), JobList.setUWS(AbstractUWS)


public final void removeAllJobLists()
Removes all managed jobs lists.

See Also:


public final void destroyAllJobLists()
Destroys all managed jobs lists.

See Also:


public final boolean addUWSAction(UWSAction<JL,J> action)

Lets adding the given action to this UWS.

WARNING: The action will be added at the end of the actions list of this UWS. That means, it will be evaluated (call of the method UWSAction.match(UWSUrl, String, HttpServletRequest)) lastly !

action - The UWS action to add.
true if the given action has been successfully added, false otherwise.


public final boolean addUWSAction(int indAction,
                                  UWSAction<JL,J> action)
                           throws java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException

Lets inserting the given action at the given position in the actions list of this UWS.

indAction - The index where the given action must be inserted.
action - The action to add.
true if the given action has been successfully added, false otherwise.
java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException - If the given index is incorrect (index < 0 || index >= uwsActions.size()).


public final boolean setUWSAction(int indAction,
                                  UWSAction<JL,J> action)
                           throws java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
Replaces the specified action by the given action.

indAction - Index of the action to replace.
action - The replacer.
true if the replacement has been a success, false otherwise.
java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException - If the index is incorrect (index < 0 || index >= uwsActions.size()).


public final UWSAction<JL,J> replaceUWSAction(UWSAction<JL,J> action)
Replaces the action which has the same name that the given action.

action - The replacer.
The replaced action or null if the given action is null or if there is no action with the same name (in this case, the given action is not added).


public final int getNbUWSActions()
Gets the number of actions this UWS has.

The number of its actions.


public final UWSAction<JL,J> getUWSAction(java.lang.String actionName)
Gets the action of this UWS which has the same name as the given one.

actionName - The name of the searched action.
The corresponding action or null if there is no corresponding action.


public final java.util.Iterator<UWSAction<JL,J>> getUWSActions()
Gets all actions of this UWS.

An iterator on its actions.


public final UWSAction<JL,J> getExecutedAction()
Gets the UWS action executed during the last call of executeRequest(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse).

The last used UWS action.


public final UWSAction<JL,J> removeUWSAction(int indAction)
                                                                             throws java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
Removes the specified action from this UWS.

indAction - The index of the UWS action to remove.
The removed action.
java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException - If the given index is incorrect (index < 0 || index >= uwsActions.size()).


public final UWSAction<JL,J> removeUWSAction(java.lang.String actionName)
Removes the action of this UWS which has the same name as the given one.

actionName - The name of the UWS to remove.
The removed action or null if there is no corresponding action.


public abstract J createJob(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> parameters)
                                         throws UWSException
Creates a job of the type (extension of AbstractJob) which parameterized this implementation of AbstractUWS.

parameters - The map of parameters to give to the constructor of AbstractJob.
The created job.
UWSException - If any error occurs while creating the job.
See Also:
AddJob.apply(UWSUrl, String, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse)


public boolean executeRequest(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request,
                              javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response)
                       throws UWSException,

Executes the given request according to the IVOA Proposed Recommendation of 2010-02-10. The result is returned in the given response.

Here is the followed algorithm:

  1. Load the request in the UWS URL interpreter (see UWSUrl.load(HttpServletRequest))
  2. Extract the user ID (see UserIdentifier.extractUserId(UWSUrl, HttpServletRequest))
  3. Iterate - in order - on all available actions and apply the first which matches. (see UWSAction.match(UWSUrl, String, HttpServletRequest) and UWSAction.apply(UWSUrl, String, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse))

request - The UWS request.
response - The response of this request which will be edited by the found UWS actions.
true if the request has been executed successfully, false otherwise.
UWSException - If no action matches or if any error has occurred while applying the found action.
java.io.IOException - If it is impossible to write in the given HttpServletResponse.
See Also:
UWSUrl.UWSUrl(HttpServletRequest), UWSUrl.load(HttpServletRequest), UserIdentifier.extractUserId(UWSUrl, HttpServletRequest), UWSAction.match(UWSUrl, String, HttpServletRequest), UWSAction.apply(UWSUrl, String, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse)


public void redirect(java.lang.String url,
                     javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request,
                     javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response)
              throws java.io.IOException,

Sends a redirection (with the HTTP status code 303) to the given URL/URI into the given response.

url - The redirection URL/URI.
request - The HttpServletRequest which may be used to make a redirection.
response - The HttpServletResponse which must contain all information to make a redirection.
java.io.IOException - If there is an error during the redirection.
UWSException - If there is any other error.


public void sendError(UWSException error,
                      javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request,
                      javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response)
               throws java.io.IOException,

Fills the response with the given error. The HTTP status code is set in function of the error code of the given UWSException. If the error code is UWSException.SEE_OTHER this method calls redirect(String, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse). Otherwise the function HttpServletResponse.sendError(int, String) is called.

error - The error to send/display.
request - The request which has caused the given error (not used by default).
response - The response in which the error must be published.
java.io.IOException - If there is an error when calling redirect(String, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) or HttpServletResponse.sendError(int, String).
UWSException - If there is an error when calling redirect(String, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse).
See Also:
redirect(String, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse), HttpServletResponse.sendError(int, String)


public void sendError(java.lang.Exception error,
                      javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request,
                      javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response)
               throws java.io.IOException,

Fills the response with the given error. The stack trace of the error is printed on the standard output and then the function HttpServletResponse.sendError(int, String) is called with the HTTP status code is UWSException.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR and the message of the given exception.

error - The error to send/display.
request - The request which has caused the given error (not used by default).
response - The response in which the error must be published.
java.io.IOException - If there is an error when calling HttpServletResponse.sendError(int, String).
See Also:
HttpServletResponse.sendError(int, String)


public java.lang.String serialize(UWSSerializer serializer,
                                  java.lang.String ownerId)
                           throws UWSException
Description copied from class: SerializableUWSObject
Serializes the whole object considering the given owner ID (supposed to be the ID of the current user) and thanks to the given serializer.

Specified by:
serialize in class SerializableUWSObject
serializer - The serializer to use.
ownerId - The ID of the current user.
The serialized representation of this object.
UWSException - If there is an error during the serialization.


public void valueBound(javax.servlet.http.HttpSessionBindingEvent e)
Called by an HttpSession while adding an instance of AbstractUWS in its attributes list.

Specified by:
valueBound in interface javax.servlet.http.HttpSessionBindingListener
See Also:


public void valueUnbound(javax.servlet.http.HttpSessionBindingEvent e)
Called by an HttpSession while removing an instance of AbstractUWS from its attributes list. By default, all managed jobs lists are destroyed and so all running jobs are stopped and destroyed.

Specified by:
valueUnbound in interface javax.servlet.http.HttpSessionBindingListener
See Also:
HttpSessionBindingListener.valueUnbound(javax.servlet.http.HttpSessionBindingEvent), removeAllJobLists()