Class AbstractJob

  extended by uws.job.SerializableUWSObject
      extended by uws.job.AbstractJob
All Implemented Interfaces:

public abstract class AbstractJob
extends SerializableUWSObject

Brief description

Abstract implementation of a job of the UWS pattern. Only the methods which deal with the job execution are abstract. So if you want a job executes a task you must extend AbstractJob and override:

Some attributes comments

More details

Grégory Mantelet (CDS)
See Also:
Serialized Form

Nested Class Summary
protected static class AbstractJob.DurationTimerTask
          Task that the executionDuration timer of a job must trigger: only calls abort().
Field Summary
static java.lang.String ACTION_DELETE
          Name of the DELETE action.
protected  java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> additionalParameters
          This is an enumeration of the other Job parameters (given in POST queries).
static java.lang.String ANONYMOUS_OWNER
          Default value of owner if no ID are given at the job creation.
protected  java.text.DateFormat dateFormat
          The used date formatter.
static java.lang.String DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT
          Default date format pattern.
protected  ErrorSummary errorSummary
          This error summary gives a human-readable error message for the underlying job.
protected  java.lang.String jobId
          The identifier of the job (it MUST be different from any other job).
protected static java.lang.String lastId
          The last generated job ID.
protected  java.lang.String owner
          The identifier of the creator of this job.
static java.lang.String PARAM_ACTION
          Name of the parameter ACTION.
static java.lang.String PARAM_DESTRUCTION_TIME
          Name of the parameter destructionTime.
static java.lang.String PARAM_ERROR_SUMMARY
          Name of the parameter errorSummary.
static java.lang.String PARAM_EXECUTION_DURATION
          Name of the parameter executionDuration.
static java.lang.String PARAM_OWNER
          Name of the parameter owner.
static java.lang.String PARAM_PARAMETERS
          Name of the parameter otherParameters.
static java.lang.String PARAM_PHASE
          Name of the parameter phase.
static java.lang.String PARAM_QUOTE
          Name of the parameter quote.
static java.lang.String PARAM_RESULTS
          Name of the parameter results.
static java.lang.String PARAM_RUN_ID
          Name of the parameter runId.
static java.lang.String PHASE_ABORT
          Value of the parameter phase which aborts the job.
static java.lang.String PHASE_RUN
          Value of the parameter phase which starts the job.
static long QUOTE_NOT_KNOWN
          The quote value that indicates the quote of this job is not known.
protected  java.util.List<Result> results
          This is a list of all results of this job.
protected  java.lang.String runId
          The name/label that the job creator uses to identify this job.
protected  JobThread thread
          The thread to start for executing the job.
          The duration that implies an unlimited execution duration.
protected  long waitForStop
          The time to wait the end of the thread after an interruption.
Constructor Summary
  AbstractJob(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> lstParam)
          Builds a job with a map of all its parameters (UWS and additional parameters).
protected AbstractJob(java.lang.String ownerID, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> lstParam)
          Builds a job with the ID of the owner of this job and a map of all its parameters (UWS and additional parameters).
protected AbstractJob(java.lang.String jobName, java.lang.String ownerId, long maxDuration, java.util.Date destructTime, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> lstParam)
          Builds a job with a job name/label, an owner ID, an execution duration, a destruction time and a map of all its parameters (UWS and additional parameters).
protected AbstractJob(java.lang.String jobId, java.lang.String jobName, java.lang.String ownerId, ExecutionPhase phase, java.util.Date startTime, java.util.Date endTime, long maxDuration, java.util.Date destructTime, java.util.List<Result> results, ErrorSummary errors, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> additionalParams)
          MANUAL CONSTRUCTOR - DISCOURAGED Constructs a Job with all its parameters.
Method Summary
 void abort()
          Stops immediately the job, sets its phase to ABORTED and sets its end time.
 boolean addObserver(JobObserver observer)
          Lets adding an observer of this job.
 boolean addOrUpdateParameter(java.lang.String paramName, java.lang.String paramValue)
          Adds or updates the specified parameter with the given value ONLY IF the job can be updated (considering its current execution phase, see JobPhase.isJobUpdatable()).
 boolean addOrUpdateParameters(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> params)
          Adds or updates the given parameters ONLY IF the job can be updated (considering its current execution phase, see JobPhase.isJobUpdatable()).
 boolean addResult(Result res)
          Adds the given result in the results list of this job.
protected  void applyPhaseParam()
          Looks for an additional parameters which corresponds to the Execution Phase.
protected  void checkPhaseParam()
          Deprecated. applyPhaseParam().
 void clearResources()
          Stops the job if running, removes the job from the execution manager, stops the timer for the execution duration and may clear all files or any other resources associated to this job.
 boolean equals(java.lang.Object anotherJob)
          2 instances of AbstractJob are equals ONLY IF their ID are equals.
 void error(ErrorSummary error)
          Stops immediately the job, sets its error summary, sets its phase to ExecutionPhase.ERROR and sets its end time.
 void error(UWSException ue)
          Publishes the given exception as an error summary.
protected  void finalize()
          Merely clears resources: it only calls clearResources().
protected  java.lang.String generateJobId()
          This function lets generating a unique ID.
 java.util.Set<java.lang.String> getAdditionalParameters()
          Gets the list of parameters' name.
 java.lang.String getAdditionalParameterValue(java.lang.String paramName)
          Gets the value of the specified additional parameter.
 java.text.DateFormat getDateFormat()
          Gets the used date-time formatter.
 java.util.Date getDestructionTime()
          Gets the instant when the job shall be destroyed.
 java.util.Date getEndTime()
          Gets the time at which the job execution has finished.
 ErrorSummary getErrorSummary()
          Gets the error that occurs during the execution of this job.
 long getExecutionDuration()
          Gets the duration (in seconds) for which this job shall run.
 ExecutionManager getExecutionManager()
          Gets the execution manager of this job, if any.
 java.lang.String getJobId()
          Gets the ID of this job (this ID MUST be unique).
 JobList<? extends AbstractJob> getJobList()
          Gets its jobs list, if known.
 int getNbAdditionalParameters()
          Gets the number of additional parameters.
 int getNbObservers()
          Gets the total number of observers this job has.
 int getNbOtherParameters()
          Deprecated. Replaced by getNbAdditionalParameters().
 int getNbResults()
          Gets the total number of results.
 java.util.Iterator<JobObserver> getObservers()
          Gets the observers of this job.
 java.util.Set<java.lang.String> getOtherParameters()
          Deprecated. Replaced by getAdditionalParameters()
 java.lang.String getOtherParameterValue(java.lang.String paramName)
          Deprecated. Replaced by getAdditionalParameterValue(String).
 java.lang.String getOwner()
          Gets the ID of the owner of this job.
 ExecutionPhase getPhase()
          Gets the phase in which this job is now.
 JobPhase getPhaseManager()
          Gets the phase manager of this job.
 long getQuote()
          Get the quote attribute of this job.
 java.util.Iterator<Result> getResults()
          Gets the results list of this job.
 java.lang.String getRunId()
          Gets the RunID of this job given by the UWS user (presumed to be the owner of this job).
 java.util.Date getStartTime()
          Gets the time at which the job execution has started.
 long getTimeToWaitForEnd()
          Gets the time to wait for the end of the thread after an interruption.
 UWSException getWorkError()
          Gets the error (if any) which has occurred during the job execution.
 boolean isFinished()
          Tells whether the job is already finished (completed, aborted, error, ...).
 boolean isRunning()
          Tells whether the job is still running.
protected  boolean isStopped()
          Tells whether the thread is different from null, is not alive, is interrupted or is finished (see JobThread.isFinished()).
protected abstract  void jobWork()
          Does the job work (i.e. making a long computation or executing a query on a Database).
protected  boolean loadAdditionalParams()
          Method called when updating one or several parameters using the functions addOrUpdateParameter(String, String) and addOrUpdateParameters(Map) or at the job creation.
protected  java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> loadDefaultParams(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> lstParam)
          Loads the given parameters: all known parameters (with write access) are updated whereas others are returned in a new map in which all keys are in lower case.
 void notifyObservers(ExecutionPhase oldPhase)
          Notifies all the observer of this job that its phase has changed.
protected  boolean publishExecutionError(UWSException ue)
          Deprecated. Replaced by error(UWSException).
 boolean removeAdditionalParameter(java.lang.String paramName)
          Removes the specified additional parameter ONLY IF the job can be updated (considering its current execution phase, see JobPhase.isJobUpdatable()).
 void removeAllAdditionalParameter()
          Clears the whole list of additional parameters ONLY IF the job can be updated (considering its current execution phase, see JobPhase.isJobUpdatable()).
 void removeAllObservers()
          Lets removing all observers of this job.
 void removeAllOtherParameter()
          Deprecated. Replaced by removeAllAdditionalParameter().
 boolean removeObserver(JobObserver observer)
          Lets removing the given object from the list of observers of this job.
 boolean removeOtherParameter(java.lang.String paramName)
          Deprecated. Replaced by removeAdditionalParameter(String).
 void serialize(java.io.OutputStream output, java.lang.String[] attributes, UWSSerializer serializer)
          Serializes the specified attribute of this job in the given output stream by using the given serializer.
 java.lang.String serialize(java.lang.String[] attributes, UWSSerializer serializer)
          Serializes the specified attribute of this job by using the given serializer.
 java.lang.String serialize(UWSSerializer serializer, java.lang.String ownerId)
          Serializes the whole object considering the given owner ID (supposed to be the ID of the current user) and thanks to the given serializer.
 void setDateFormat(java.text.DateFormat newDateFormat)
          Sets the date-time formatter to use.
 void setDestructionTime(java.util.Date destructionTime)
           Sets the instant when the job shall be destroyed ONLY IF the job can updated (considering its current execution phase, see JobPhase.isJobUpdatable()).
protected  void setEndTime(java.util.Date newDateTime)
          Sets the time at which the job execution has finished.
 void setErrorSummary(ErrorSummary errorSummary)
          Sets the error that occurs during the execution of this job.
 void setExecutionDuration(long executionDuration)
          Sets the duration (in seconds) for which this job shall run ONLY IF the job can updated (considering its current execution phase, see JobPhase.isJobUpdatable()).
 void setExecutionManager(ExecutionManager newManager)
          Sets the execution manager of this job.
 void setJobList(JobList<? extends AbstractJob> jobList)
          Sets its jobs list.
 void setPhase(ExecutionPhase p)
          Sets the current phase of this job.
 void setPhase(ExecutionPhase p, boolean force)
          Sets the current phase of this job, respecting or not the imposed order.
 void setPhaseManager(JobPhase jobPhase)
          Sets the phase manager of this job.
 void setQuote(long nbSeconds)
          Sets the quote attribute of this job ONLY IF the job can updated (considering its current execution phase, see JobPhase.isJobUpdatable()).
 void setRunId(java.lang.String name)
          Sets the RunID of this job ONLY IF the job can updated (considering its current execution phase, see JobPhase.isJobUpdatable()).
protected  void setStartTime(java.util.Date newDateTime)
          Sets the time at which the job execution has started.
 void setTimeToWaitForEnd(long timeToWait)
          Sets the time to wait for the end of the thread after an interruption.
 void start()
          Starts the job by using the execution manager if any.
 void start(boolean useManager)
          Starts the job.
protected  void stop()
          Stops the thread that executes the work of this job.
 boolean sync()
          This method is called by its job list just after the de-serialization of the whole UWS (this job included).
 java.lang.String toString()
Methods inherited from class uws.job.SerializableUWSObject
serialize, serialize, serialize
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final java.lang.String PARAM_ACTION
Name of the parameter ACTION.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String ACTION_DELETE
Name of the DELETE action.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String PARAM_RUN_ID
Name of the parameter runId.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String PARAM_OWNER
Name of the parameter owner.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String PARAM_PHASE
Name of the parameter phase.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String PHASE_RUN
Value of the parameter phase which starts the job.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String PHASE_ABORT
Value of the parameter phase which aborts the job.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String PARAM_QUOTE
Name of the parameter quote.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String PARAM_EXECUTION_DURATION
Name of the parameter executionDuration.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String PARAM_DESTRUCTION_TIME
Name of the parameter destructionTime.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String PARAM_ERROR_SUMMARY
Name of the parameter errorSummary.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String PARAM_PARAMETERS
Name of the parameter otherParameters.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String PARAM_RESULTS
Name of the parameter results.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String ANONYMOUS_OWNER
Default value of owner if no ID are given at the job creation.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT
Default date format pattern.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final long QUOTE_NOT_KNOWN
The quote value that indicates the quote of this job is not known.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final long UNLIMITED_DURATION
The duration that implies an unlimited execution duration.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected static java.lang.String lastId
The last generated job ID. It MUST be used ONLY by the function generateJobId() !


protected final java.lang.String jobId
The identifier of the job (it MUST be different from any other job).
Note: It is assigned automatically at the job creation in any job constructor by the function generateJobId(). To change the way this ID is generated or its format you must override this function.


protected final java.lang.String owner
The identifier of the creator of this job.
Note: This object will not exist for all invocations of the UWS conformant protocol, but only in cases where the access to the service is authenticated.


protected java.lang.String runId
The name/label that the job creator uses to identify this job.
Note: this is distinct from the Job Identifier that the UWS system itself assigns to each job (jobId). It may not be unique !


protected java.text.DateFormat dateFormat
The used date formatter.


protected ErrorSummary errorSummary

This error summary gives a human-readable error message for the underlying job.

Note: This object is intended to be a detailed error message, and consequently, might be a large piece of text such as a stack trace.


protected java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> additionalParameters
This is an enumeration of the other Job parameters (given in POST queries).


protected java.util.List<Result> results
This is a list of all results of this job.


protected transient JobThread thread
The thread to start for executing the job.


protected long waitForStop
The time to wait the end of the thread after an interruption.

Constructor Detail


public AbstractJob(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> lstParam)
            throws UWSException

Builds a job with a map of all its parameters (UWS and additional parameters).

Note: if the parameter PARAM_PHASE (phase) is given with the value PHASE_RUN the job execution starts immediately after the Job construction.

lstParam - Map of parameters {key: name of the parameter (see public final static fields of AbstractJob, for instance PARAM_RUN_ID) , value: value of this parameter}.
UWSException - If a parameter is incorrect.
See Also:
AbstractJob(String, Map)


protected AbstractJob(java.lang.String ownerID,
                      java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> lstParam)
               throws UWSException

Builds a job with the ID of the owner of this job and a map of all its parameters (UWS and additional parameters).

Note: if the parameter PARAM_PHASE (phase) is given with the value PHASE_RUN the job execution starts immediately after the job construction.

ownerID - Job.ownerID (PARAM_RUN_ID).
lstParam - Map of parameters {key: name of the parameter (see public final static fields of AbstractJob, for instance PARAM_RUN_ID) , value: value of this parameter}.
UWSException - If a parameter is incorrect.
See Also:
AbstractJob(String, String, long, Date, Map)


protected AbstractJob(java.lang.String jobName,
                      java.lang.String ownerId,
                      long maxDuration,
                      java.util.Date destructTime,
                      java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> lstParam)
               throws UWSException

Builds a job with a job name/label, an owner ID, an execution duration, a destruction time and a map of all its parameters (UWS and additional parameters).

Note: if the parameter PARAM_PHASE (phase) is given with the value PHASE_RUN the job execution starts immediately after the job construction.

jobName - Job.runID (PARAM_RUN_ID).
ownerId - Job.ownerID (PARAM_OWNER).
maxDuration - Job.executionduration (PARAM_EXECUTION_DURATION).
destructTime - Job.destructiontime (PARAM_DESTRUCTION_TIME).
lstParam - Map of parameters {key: name of the parameter (see public final static fields of AbstractJob, for instance PARAM_RUN_ID) , value: value of this parameter}.
UWSException - If a parameter is incorrect.
See Also:
JobPhase.JobPhase(AbstractJob), setDestructionTime(Date), loadDefaultParams(Map), generateJobId()


protected AbstractJob(java.lang.String jobId,
                      java.lang.String jobName,
                      java.lang.String ownerId,
                      ExecutionPhase phase,
                      java.util.Date startTime,
                      java.util.Date endTime,
                      long maxDuration,
                      java.util.Date destructTime,
                      java.util.List<Result> results,
                      ErrorSummary errors,
                      java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> additionalParams)
               throws UWSException


Constructs a Job with all its parameters. It is the only constructor which lets setting/managing manually all the parameters/attributes of a Job. No automatic process will be done as for the other constructors.


Method Detail


public final boolean sync()

This method is called by its job list just after the de-serialization of the whole UWS (this job included). It re-initializes the job in function of this last execution phase:

Note: the variable syncStatus is used to know whether the AbstractJob has been restored by a de-serialization. In this case it is equals to NULL. Otherwise it has another value (!= NULL ; by default: "SYNCHRONIZED").
Thus, this method will do something ONLY IF the variable syncStatus is NULL !

true if synchronized, false if the job must not exist any more in its jobList (so it MUST be destroyed) because of an error or if the destruction time is already reached.


protected java.lang.String generateJobId()

This function lets generating a unique ID.

By default: System.currentTimeMillis()+UpperCharacter (UpperCharacter: one upper-case character: A, B, C, ....)

A unique job identifier.


protected java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> loadDefaultParams(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> lstParam)
                                                                      throws UWSException

Loads the given parameters: all known parameters (with write access) are updated whereas others are returned in a new map in which all keys are in lower case.

Important: The phase parameter is NEVER managed here and is ALWAYS added immediately in the additional parameters attribute !

Note: UWS parameters with write access are:

Note: To check more DEFAULT parameters you just have to:

  1. override the function loadDefaultParams(Map)
  2. call super.loadParams(Map)
  3. add your own checking (do not forget to update the returned map and to return it).

lstParam - The list of parameters to load (UWS - included PHASE - and additional parameters).
  • a new map with all the parameters that have not been loaded (additional parameters and/or not known UWS parameter and/or the PHASE parameter)
  • or an empty map
  • or null if the job is executing or is ended (actually: all phase except PENDING)
UWSException - If a given UWS parameter is not correct.


protected boolean loadAdditionalParams()
                                throws UWSException

Method called when updating one or several parameters using the functions addOrUpdateParameter(String, String) and addOrUpdateParameters(Map) or at the job creation.

It is useful if you need to check or to process all or a part of the additional parameters stored in additionalParameters.

By default this function does nothing and always return true.

true if all required additional parameters have been successfully updated, false otherwise.
UWSException - If an error occurred during the updating of one parameter.
See Also:
addOrUpdateParameter(String, String), addOrUpdateParameters(Map)


protected void applyPhaseParam()
                        throws UWSException

Looks for an additional parameters which corresponds to the Execution Phase. If it exists and:

UWSException - If it is impossible to change the Execution Phase.
See Also:
start(), abort()


public final ExecutionPhase getPhase()
Gets the phase in which this job is now.

The current phase of this job.
See Also:


public final void setPhase(ExecutionPhase p)
                    throws UWSException

Sets the current phase of this job.


p - The phase to set for this job.
UWSException - If the given phase does not respect the job's phases order.
See Also:
setPhase(ExecutionPhase, boolean)


public final void setPhase(ExecutionPhase p,
                           boolean force)
                    throws UWSException

Sets the current phase of this job, respecting or not the imposed order.


p - The phase to set for this job.
force - true to impose the given execution phase, false to take into account the order of all phases.
UWSException - If the given phase does not respect the job's phases order.
See Also:
JobPhase.setPhase(ExecutionPhase, boolean), JobPhase.isFinished(), ExecutionManager.remove(AbstractJob), notifyObservers(ExecutionPhase)


public final JobPhase getPhaseManager()

Gets the phase manager of this job.

Note: The phase manager manages all the transitions between all the execution phases.

Its phase manager.


public final void setPhaseManager(JobPhase jobPhase)

Sets the phase manager of this job.

Note: The phase manager manages all the transitions between all the execution phases.

jobPhase - Its new phase manager (if null this function does nothing).


public final java.text.DateFormat getDateFormat()
Gets the used date-time formatter.

The current date format.


public final void setDateFormat(java.text.DateFormat newDateFormat)
Sets the date-time formatter to use.

newDateFormat - The date format which must be used from now (if null this function does nothing).


public final java.util.Date getStartTime()
Gets the time at which the job execution has started.

The start time of the execution of this job.


protected final void setStartTime(java.util.Date newDateTime)
Sets the time at which the job execution has started.

newDateTime - The start time of the execution of this job.


public final java.util.Date getEndTime()
Gets the time at which the job execution has finished.

The end time of the execution of this job.


protected final void setEndTime(java.util.Date newDateTime)
Sets the time at which the job execution has finished.

newDateTime - The end time of the execution of this job.


public final long getExecutionDuration()
Gets the duration (in seconds) for which this job shall run.

The execution duration of this job.


public final void setExecutionDuration(long executionDuration)

Sets the duration (in seconds) for which this job shall run ONLY IF the job can updated (considering its current execution phase, see JobPhase.isJobUpdatable()).

Note: A duration of 0 (or less) implies unlimited execution duration.

executionDuration - The execution duration of this job.


public final java.util.Date getDestructionTime()
Gets the instant when the job shall be destroyed.

The destruction time of this job.


public final void setDestructionTime(java.util.Date destructionTime)

Sets the instant when the job shall be destroyed ONLY IF the job can updated (considering its current execution phase, see JobPhase.isJobUpdatable()). If known the jobs list is notify of this destruction time update.

destructionTime - The destruction time of this job.
See Also:
JobPhase.isJobUpdatable(), JobList.updateDestruction(AbstractJob)


public final ErrorSummary getErrorSummary()
Gets the error that occurs during the execution of this job.

A summary of the error.


public final void setErrorSummary(ErrorSummary errorSummary)
                           throws UWSException

Sets the error that occurs during the execution of this job.

IMPORTANT: This function will have no effect if the job is finished, that is to say if the current phase is ABORTED, ERROR or COMPLETED..

errorSummary - A summary of the error.
UWSException - If the job execution is finished that is to say if the phase is ABORTED, ERROR or COMPLETED.
See Also:


public final java.lang.String getJobId()
Gets the ID of this job (this ID MUST be unique).

The job ID (unique).


public final java.lang.String getRunId()

Gets the RunID of this job given by the UWS user (presumed to be the owner of this job). This ID isn't the one used to access to this job thanks to the jobs list: it is more likely a label/name than an ID => it is not unique.

Warning: This ID may be used by other jobs BUT their job id (cf getJobId()) must be different.

The Run ID (a kind of job name/label).


public final void setRunId(java.lang.String name)

Sets the RunID of this job ONLY IF the job can updated (considering its current execution phase, see JobPhase.isJobUpdatable()).

name - Its name/label.
See Also:


public final java.lang.String getOwner()
Gets the ID of the owner of this job.

The owner ID.


public final long getQuote()
Get the quote attribute of this job.

The estimated duration of the job execution (in seconds).


public final void setQuote(long nbSeconds)

Sets the quote attribute of this job ONLY IF the job can updated (considering its current execution phase, see JobPhase.isJobUpdatable()).

nbSeconds - The estimated duration of the job execution (in seconds).
See Also:


public final java.util.Set<java.lang.String> getAdditionalParameters()
Gets the list of parameters' name.

The additional parameters of this job.


public final int getNbAdditionalParameters()
Gets the number of additional parameters.

Number of additional parameters.


public final java.lang.String getAdditionalParameterValue(java.lang.String paramName)
Gets the value of the specified additional parameter.

paramName - The name of the parameter whose the value is wanted.
The value of the specified parameter or null if it doesn't exist.


public final boolean addOrUpdateParameter(java.lang.String paramName,
                                          java.lang.String paramValue)
                                   throws UWSException
Adds or updates the specified parameter with the given value ONLY IF the job can be updated (considering its current execution phase, see JobPhase.isJobUpdatable()).

paramName - The name of the parameter to add or to update.
paramValue - The (new) value of the specified parameter.
  • true if the parameter has been successfully added/updated,
  • false otherwise (particularly if paramName=null or paramName="" or paramValue=null).
UWSException - If a parameter value is incorrect.
See Also:
JobPhase.isJobUpdatable(), addOrUpdateParameters(Map)


public boolean addOrUpdateParameters(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> params)
                              throws UWSException

Adds or updates the given parameters ONLY IF the job can be updated (considering its current execution phase, see JobPhase.isJobUpdatable()).

Whatever is the result of loadDefaultParams(Map) the method applyPhaseParam() is called so that if there is an additional parameter PARAM_PHASE with the value:

params - A list of parameters to add/update.
  • true if all the given parameters have been successfully added/updated,
  • false if some parameters have not been managed.
UWSException - If a parameter value is incorrect.
See Also:
loadDefaultParams(Map), JobPhase.isJobUpdatable(), loadAdditionalParams(), applyPhaseParam()


public final boolean removeAdditionalParameter(java.lang.String paramName)
Removes the specified additional parameter ONLY IF the job can be updated (considering its current execution phase, see JobPhase.isJobUpdatable()).

paramName - The name of the parameter to remove.
true if the parameter has been successfully removed, false otherwise.
See Also:


public final void removeAllAdditionalParameter()
Clears the whole list of additional parameters ONLY IF the job can be updated (considering its current execution phase, see JobPhase.isJobUpdatable()).

See Also:


public final java.util.Iterator<Result> getResults()
Gets the results list of this job.

An iterator on the results list.


public final int getNbResults()
Gets the total number of results.

The number of results.


public boolean addResult(Result res)
                  throws UWSException

Adds the given result in the results list of this job.

IMPORTANT: This function will throw an error if the job is finished.

res - The result to add (not null).
true if the result has been successfully added, false else.
UWSException - If the job execution is finished that is to say if the phase is ABORTED, ERROR or COMPLETED.
See Also:


public final ExecutionManager getExecutionManager()
Gets the execution manager of this job, if any.

Its execution manager (may be null).


public final void setExecutionManager(ExecutionManager newManager)
                               throws UWSException
Sets the execution manager of this job.

newManager - Its new execution manager (may be null ; in this case the job will always start immediately => no QUEUED phase).
UWSException - If there is an error when removing this job from the former execution manager or when updating the new execution manager.
See Also:
ExecutionManager.remove(AbstractJob), ExecutionManager.update(AbstractJob)


public final JobList<? extends AbstractJob> getJobList()
Gets its jobs list, if known.

Its jobs list (may be null).


public final void setJobList(JobList<? extends AbstractJob> jobList)
                      throws UWSException

Sets its jobs list.

Note: If the given jobs list does not know this job, it will be added immediately (see JobList.addNewJob(AbstractJob)). Obviously, before all, we ensure that the job is removed from its former jobs list.

jobList - Its new jobs list (may be null).
UWSException - If an error occurs when adding this job in the given jobs list.
See Also:
JobList.removeJob(String), JobList.getJob(String), JobList.addNewJob(AbstractJob)


public final long getTimeToWaitForEnd()
Gets the time to wait for the end of the thread after an interruption.

The time to wait for the end of the thread (a negative or null value means no wait for the end of the thread).


public final void setTimeToWaitForEnd(long timeToWait)
Sets the time to wait for the end of the thread after an interruption.

timeToWait - The new time to wait for the end of the thread (a negative or null value means no wait for the end of the thread).


public final void start()
                 throws UWSException

Starts the job by using the execution manager if any.



public void start(boolean useManager)
           throws UWSException

Starts the job.

Note: This function does nothing if the job is already running !

useManager - true to let the execution manager deciding whether the job starts immediately or whether it must be put in a queue until enough resources are available, false to start the execution immediately.
UWSException - If there is an error while changing the execution phase or when starting the corresponding thread.
See Also:
isRunning(), ExecutionManager.execute(AbstractJob), setPhase(ExecutionPhase), isFinished(), startTime


public final boolean isRunning()

Tells whether the job is still running.

Note: This function tests the execution phase (see JobPhase.isExecuting()) AND the status of the thread (see isStopped()).

true if the job is still running, false otherwise.
See Also:
JobPhase.isExecuting(), isStopped()


public final boolean isFinished()

Tells whether the job is already finished (completed, aborted, error, ...).

Note: This function test the execution phase (see JobPhase.isFinished()) AND the status of the thread (see isStopped())

true if the job is finished, false otherwise.
See Also:
JobPhase.isFinished(), isStopped()


public void abort()
           throws UWSException

Stops immediately the job, sets its phase to ABORTED and sets its end time.

IMPORTANT: If the thread does not stop immediately the phase and the end time are not modified. However it can be done by calling one more time abort(). Besides you should check that you test regularly the interrupted flag of the thread in jobWork() !

UWSException - If there is an error while changing the execution phase.
See Also:
stop(), isStopped(), setPhase(ExecutionPhase), setEndTime(Date)


public void error(ErrorSummary error)
           throws UWSException

Stops immediately the job, sets its error summary, sets its phase to ExecutionPhase.ERROR and sets its end time.

IMPORTANT: If the thread does not stop immediately the phase, the error summary and the end time are not modified. However it can be done by calling one more time error(ErrorSummary). Besides you should check that you test regularly the interrupted flag of the thread in jobWork() !

error - The error that has interrupted this job.
UWSException - If there is an error while setting the error summary or while changing the phase.
See Also:
stop(), isStopped(), JobPhase.isFinished(), setErrorSummary(ErrorSummary), setPhase(ExecutionPhase), setEndTime(Date)


public void error(UWSException ue)
           throws UWSException

Publishes the given exception as an error summary. Doing that also stops the job, sets the phase to ExecutionPhase.ERROR and sets the end time.

Note: This function only calls UWSToolBox.publishErrorSummary(AbstractJob, String, ErrorType). An exception is thrown only if the publication has failed.

ue - The exception that has interrupted this job.
UWSException - If there is an error while publishing the given exception.
See Also:
UWSToolBox.publishErrorSummary(AbstractJob, String, ErrorType)


protected void stop()
Stops the thread that executes the work of this job.


protected final boolean isStopped()
Tells whether the thread is different from null, is not alive, is interrupted or is finished (see JobThread.isFinished()).

true if the thread is not still running, false otherwise.


protected abstract void jobWork()
                         throws UWSException,

Does the job work (i.e. making a long computation or executing a query on a Database).



UWSException - If there is any kind of error which must be propagated.
java.lang.InterruptedException - If the thread has been interrupted or if any method throws this exception.


public void clearResources()

Stops the job if running, removes the job from the execution manager, stops the timer for the execution duration and may clear all files or any other resources associated to this job.

By default the job is aborted, only the thread attribute is set to null and the timers are stopped; no other operations (i.e. clear result files and error files) is done.


protected void finalize()
                 throws java.lang.Throwable
Merely clears resources: it only calls clearResources().

finalize in class java.lang.Object
See Also:
clearResources(), Object.finalize()


public final boolean addObserver(JobObserver observer)
Lets adding an observer of this job. The observer will be notified each time the execution phase changes.

observer - A new observer of this job.
true if the given object has been successfully added as observer of this job, false otherwise.


public final int getNbObservers()
Gets the total number of observers this job has.

Number of its observers.


public final java.util.Iterator<JobObserver> getObservers()
Gets the observers of this job.

An iterator on the list of its observers.


public final boolean removeObserver(JobObserver observer)
Lets removing the given object from the list of observers of this job.

observer - The object which must not be considered as observer of this job.
true if the given object is not any more an observer of this job, false otherwise.


public final void removeAllObservers()
Lets removing all observers of this job.


public final void notifyObservers(ExecutionPhase oldPhase)
                           throws UWSException
Notifies all the observer of this job that its phase has changed.

oldPhase - The former phase of this job.
UWSException - If at least one observer can not have been updated.


public final UWSException getWorkError()

Gets the error (if any) which has occurred during the job execution.

Note: In the case an error summary can not have been published, the job has no error summary. However the last UWSException caught during the execution of a JobThread is saved and is available thanks to JobThread.getError(). In that case, the getWorkError() method can be used to get back the occurred error.

The error which interrupts the thread or null if there was no error or if the job is still running.


public java.lang.String serialize(UWSSerializer serializer,
                                  java.lang.String ownerId)
                           throws UWSException
Description copied from class: SerializableUWSObject
Serializes the whole object considering the given owner ID (supposed to be the ID of the current user) and thanks to the given serializer.

Specified by:
serialize in class SerializableUWSObject
serializer - The serializer to use.
ownerId - The ID of the current user.
The serialized representation of this object.
UWSException - If there is an error during the serialization.


public java.lang.String serialize(java.lang.String[] attributes,
                                  UWSSerializer serializer)
                           throws UWSException
Serializes the specified attribute of this job by using the given serializer.

attributes - All the given attributes (may be null or empty).
serializer - The serializer to use.
The serialized job attribute (or the whole job if attributes is an empty array or is null).
UWSException - If there is an error during the serialization.
See Also:
UWSSerializer.getJob(AbstractJob, String[], boolean)


public void serialize(java.io.OutputStream output,
                      java.lang.String[] attributes,
                      UWSSerializer serializer)
               throws UWSException
Serializes the specified attribute of this job in the given output stream by using the given serializer.

output - The output stream in which the job attribute must be serialized.
attributes - The name of the attribute to serialize (if null, the whole job will be serialized).
serializer - The serializer to use.
UWSException - If there is an error during the serialization.
See Also:
serialize(String[], UWSSerializer)


public java.lang.String toString()
toString in class java.lang.Object


public boolean equals(java.lang.Object anotherJob)

2 instances of AbstractJob are equals ONLY IF their ID are equals.

Note: If the given object is not an AbstractJob, super.equals(..) is called.

equals in class java.lang.Object
See Also:


public final java.util.Set<java.lang.String> getOtherParameters()
Deprecated. Replaced by getAdditionalParameters()

Gets the list of parameters' name.

The additional parameters of this job.


public final int getNbOtherParameters()
Deprecated. Replaced by getNbAdditionalParameters().

Gets the number of additional parameters.

Number of additional parameters.


public final java.lang.String getOtherParameterValue(java.lang.String paramName)
Deprecated. Replaced by getAdditionalParameterValue(String).

Gets the value of the specified additional parameter.

paramName - The name of the parameter whose the value is wanted.
The value of the specified parameter or null if it doesn't exist.


public final boolean removeOtherParameter(java.lang.String paramName)
Deprecated. Replaced by removeAdditionalParameter(String).

Removes the specified additional parameter.

paramName - The name of the parameter to remove.
true if the parameter has been successfully removed, false otherwise.


public final void removeAllOtherParameter()
Deprecated. Replaced by removeAllAdditionalParameter().

Clears the whole list of additional parameters.


protected final void checkPhaseParam()
                              throws UWSException
Deprecated. applyPhaseParam().

Checks whether there is an additional parameters which corresponds to the Execution Phase. If it exists and:

UWSException - If it is impossible to change the Execution Phase.


protected final boolean publishExecutionError(UWSException ue)
                                       throws UWSException
Deprecated. Replaced by error(UWSException).

Sets the phase to ERROR and sets the error summary thanks to the given UWSException.

Note: By default this method ONLY set the phase to ERROR and write the message of the given exception in a new error summary. To change this behavior (for instance writing an error file) you need to override this function (for instance you can call the function UWSToolBox.publishErrorSummary(AbstractJob, Exception, ErrorType, java.net.URL, String, String))

ue - The UWSException to use to publish the error summary.
true if the error has been successfully published, false otherwise.
UWSException - It there is an error while setting the phase or setting the summary or writing the error file (if any).
See Also:
UWSToolBox.publishErrorSummary(AbstractJob, String, ErrorType)