abort() - Method in class uws.job.AbstractJob
Stops immediately the job, sets its phase to ABORTED and sets its end time.
abortJob(String, String) - Method in class uws.service.UWSUrl
Gets the UWS URL (HTTP-GET ONLY) to abort the specified job.
AbstractJob - Class in uws.job
Brief description Abstract implementation of a job of the UWS pattern.
AbstractJob(Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class uws.job.AbstractJob
Builds a job with a map of all its parameters (UWS and additional parameters).
AbstractJob(String, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class uws.job.AbstractJob
Builds a job with the ID of the owner of this job and a map of all its parameters (UWS and additional parameters).
AbstractJob(String, String, long, Date, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class uws.job.AbstractJob
Builds a job with a job name/label, an owner ID, an execution duration, a destruction time and a map of all its parameters (UWS and additional parameters).
AbstractJob(String, String, String, ExecutionPhase, Date, Date, long, Date, List<Result>, ErrorSummary, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class uws.job.AbstractJob
MANUAL CONSTRUCTOR - DISCOURAGED Constructs a Job with all its parameters.
AbstractJob.DurationTimerTask - Class in uws.job
Task that the executionDuration timer of a job must trigger: only calls AbstractJob.abort().
AbstractJob.DurationTimerTask(AbstractJob) - Constructor for class uws.job.AbstractJob.DurationTimerTask
AbstractUWS<JL extends JobList<J>,J extends AbstractJob> - Class in uws.service
General description An abstract facility to implement the Universal Worker Service pattern.
AbstractUWS() - Constructor for class uws.service.AbstractUWS
Builds a UWS (the base URI will be extracted at the first request directly from the request itself).
AbstractUWS(String) - Constructor for class uws.service.AbstractUWS
Builds a UWS with its base UWS URI.
AbstractUWS(UWSUrl) - Constructor for class uws.service.AbstractUWS
Builds a UWS with the given UWS URL interpreter.
AcceptHeader - Class in uws
Parser of HTTP Accept header.
AcceptHeader(String) - Constructor for class uws.AcceptHeader
Parses the given value of the Accept field of HTTP request header.
ACTION_DELETE - Static variable in class uws.job.AbstractJob
Name of the DELETE action.
ADD_JOB - Static variable in class uws.service.actions.UWSAction
Name of the UWS action AddJob.
addConstructor(JobList<? extends AbstractJob>) - Method in class uws.service.ExtendedUWS
Searches in ExtendedUWS.assocJobListClass for the Class object of the given jobs list, gets the constructor with only one parameter of type Map<String,String> into this Class object, and finally saves in ExtendedUWS.assocJobListConstructor the association between the given jobs list and the found constructor.
additionalParameters - Variable in class uws.job.AbstractJob
This is an enumeration of the other Job parameters (given in POST queries).
AddJob<JL extends JobList<J>,J extends AbstractJob> - Class in uws.service.actions
The "Add Job" action of a UWS.
AddJob(AbstractUWS<JL, J>) - Constructor for class uws.service.actions.AddJob
addJobList(JL) - Method in class uws.service.AbstractUWS
Adds a jobs list to this UWS.
addJobList(JobList<J>, Class<J>) - Method in class uws.service.ExtendedUWS
Adds a JobList with the constructor of the type of job to use.
addNewJob(J) - Method in class uws.job.JobList
Add the given job to the list except if a job with the same jobID already exists.
addObserver(JobObserver) - Method in class uws.job.AbstractJob
Lets adding an observer of this job.
addOrUpdateParameter(String, String) - Method in class uws.job.AbstractJob
Adds or updates the specified parameter with the given value ONLY IF the job can be updated (considering its current execution phase, see JobPhase.isJobUpdatable()).
addOrUpdateParameters(Map<String, String>) - Method in class uws.job.AbstractJob
Adds or updates the given parameters ONLY IF the job can be updated (considering its current execution phase, see JobPhase.isJobUpdatable()).
addResult(Result) - Method in class uws.job.AbstractJob
Adds the given result in the results list of this job.
addSerializer(UWSSerializer) - Method in class uws.service.AbstractUWS
Adds a serializer to this UWS WARNING: If there is already a serializer with the same MIME type in this UWS , it will be replaced by the given one !
addUWSAction(UWSAction<JL, J>) - Method in class uws.service.AbstractUWS
Lets adding the given action to this UWS.
addUWSAction(int, UWSAction<JL, J>) - Method in class uws.service.AbstractUWS
Lets inserting the given action at the given position in the actions list of this UWS.
allowModification - Variable in class uws.service.controller.DestructionTimeController
Indicates whether the destruction time of jobs can be modified.
allowModification() - Method in class uws.service.controller.DestructionTimeController
Tells whether the destruction time of any managed job can be modified.
allowModification(boolean) - Method in class uws.service.controller.DestructionTimeController
Lets indicating whether the destruction time of any managed job can be modified.
allowModification - Variable in class uws.service.controller.ExecutionDurationController
Indicates whether the execution duration of jobs can be modified.
allowModification() - Method in class uws.service.controller.ExecutionDurationController
Tells whether the execution duration of any managed job can be modified.
allowModification(boolean) - Method in class uws.service.controller.ExecutionDurationController
Lets indicating whether the execution duration of any managed job can be modified.
ANONYMOUS_OWNER - Static variable in class uws.job.AbstractJob
Default value of AbstractJob.owner if no ID are given at the job creation.
apply(UWSUrl, String, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class uws.service.actions.AddJob
Gets the specified jobs list (throw an error if not found), creates a new job, adds it to the jobs list and makes a redirection to the summary of this new job.
apply(UWSUrl, String, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class uws.service.actions.DestroyJob
Gets the specified jobs list (throw an error if not found), gets the specified job (throw an error if not found), destroys the job and makes a redirection to the jobs list.
apply(UWSUrl, String, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class uws.service.actions.GetJobParam
Gets the specified job (and throw an error if not found), chooses the serializer and write the serialization of the job attribute in the given response.
apply(UWSUrl, String, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class uws.service.actions.JobSummary
Gets the specified job (and throw an error if not found), chooses the serializer and write the serialization of the job in the given response.
apply(UWSUrl, String, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class uws.service.actions.ListJobs
Gets the specified jobs list (and throw an error if not found), chooses the serializer and write the serialization of the jobs list in the given response.
apply(UWSUrl, String, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class uws.service.actions.SetJobParam
Gets the specified job (and throw an error if not found), changes the value of the specified job attribute and makes a redirection to the job summary.
apply(UWSUrl, String, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class uws.service.actions.ShowHomePage
Writes the UWS home page in the given HttpServletResponse. 3 cases are possible: Default home page (AbstractUWS.isDefaultHomePage() returns true): write the appropriate (considering the Accept header of the HTTP-Request) serialization of this UWS.
apply(UWSUrl, String, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class uws.service.actions.UWSAction
Applies this UWS action in function of the given request and writes the result in the given response.
apply(UWSUrl, String, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class uws.service.ExtendedUWS.AddJobWithConstructor
applyPhaseParam() - Method in class uws.job.AbstractJob
Looks for an additional parameters which corresponds to the Execution Phase.
assocJobListClass - Variable in class uws.service.ExtendedUWS
Association between each JobList and the class object of the type of job that this JobList manages.
assocJobListConstructor - Variable in class uws.service.ExtendedUWS
Association between each JobList and the constructor to use when a job must be created and added into this JobList.
attributes - Variable in class uws.service.UWSUrl
Name of the job attribute found in uwsURI (i.e.