generateJobId() - Method in class uws.job.AbstractJob
This function lets generating a unique ID.
GET_JOB_PARAM - Static variable in class uws.service.actions.UWSAction
Name of the UWS action GetJobParam.
getAdditionalParameter(String, String, boolean) - Method in class uws.job.serializer.JSONSerializer
getAdditionalParameter(String, String, boolean) - Method in class uws.job.serializer.UWSSerializer
Serializes the specified parameter.
getAdditionalParameter(String, String, boolean) - Method in class uws.job.serializer.XMLSerializer
getAdditionalParameters() - Method in class uws.job.AbstractJob
Gets the list of parameters' name.
getAdditionalParameters(AbstractJob, boolean) - Method in class uws.job.serializer.JSONSerializer
getAdditionalParameters(AbstractJob, boolean) - Method in class uws.job.serializer.UWSSerializer
Serializes the parameters of the given job.
getAdditionalParameters(AbstractJob, boolean) - Method in class uws.job.serializer.XMLSerializer
getAdditionalParameterValue(String) - Method in class uws.job.AbstractJob
Gets the value of the specified additional parameter.
getAttributes() - Method in class uws.service.UWSUrl
Gets all the job attributes extracted from the last request or request URL.
getBaseURI() - Method in class uws.service.AbstractUWS
Gets the base UWS URL.
getBaseURI() - Method in class uws.service.UWSUrl
Gets the base UWS URI given at the initialization of this instance of UWSUrl.
getChoosenSerializer() - Method in class uws.service.AbstractUWS
Gets the serializer choosen during the last call of AbstractUWS.getSerializer(String).
getConstructor() - Method in class uws.service.BasicUWS
Gets the constructor of the type of job to use.
getConstructor(JobList<? extends AbstractJob>) - Method in class uws.service.ExtendedUWS
Gets the constructor of the type of job to use.
getDateFormat() - Method in class uws.job.AbstractJob
Gets the used date-time formatter.
getDateFormat(AbstractJob) - Static method in class uws.service.controller.DestructionTimeController
Gets the date format used currently by the given job if not null or gets the default date format of a job (see AbstractJob.DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT).
getDefaultDestructionInterval() - Method in class uws.service.controller.DestructionTimeController
Gets the default interval value.
getDefaultDestructionTime() - Method in class uws.service.controller.DestructionTimeController
Gets the default destruction time: either computed with an interval of time or obtained directly by a default destruction time.
getDefaultExecutionDuration() - Method in class uws.service.controller.ExecutionDurationController
Gets the default execution duration.
getDefaultIntervalField() - Method in class uws.service.controller.DestructionTimeController
Gets the date-time field of the default interval.
getDefaultSerializer() - Method in class uws.service.AbstractUWS
Gets the MIME type of the serializer to use by default.
getDescription() - Method in class uws.service.AbstractUWS
Gets the description of this UWS.
getDescription() - Method in class uws.service.actions.AddJob
getDescription() - Method in class uws.service.actions.DestroyJob
getDescription() - Method in class uws.service.actions.GetJobParam
getDescription() - Method in class uws.service.actions.JobSummary
getDescription() - Method in class uws.service.actions.ListJobs
getDescription() - Method in class uws.service.actions.SetJobParam
getDescription() - Method in class uws.service.actions.ShowHomePage
getDescription() - Method in class uws.service.actions.UWSAction
Gets the description of this UWS action.
getDestructionManager() - Method in class uws.job.JobList
Gets the used destruction manager.
getDestructionManager() - Method in class uws.service.AbstractUWS
Gets the destruction manager.
getDestructionTime() - Method in class uws.job.AbstractJob
Gets the instant when the job shall be destroyed.
getDestructionTime(AbstractJob, boolean) - Method in class uws.job.serializer.JSONSerializer
getDestructionTime(AbstractJob, boolean) - Method in class uws.job.serializer.UWSSerializer
Serializes the destruction time of the given job.
getDestructionTime(AbstractJob, boolean) - Method in class uws.job.serializer.XMLSerializer
getDestructionTimeController() - Method in class uws.service.AbstractUWS
Gets the object which lets the UWS controlling the destruction time of all managed jobs.
getDetails() - Method in class uws.job.ErrorSummary
Gets the URI/URL where the details about the occurred error can be found.
getEndTime() - Method in class uws.job.AbstractJob
Gets the time at which the job execution has finished.
getEndTime(AbstractJob, boolean) - Method in class uws.job.serializer.JSONSerializer
getEndTime(AbstractJob, boolean) - Method in class uws.job.serializer.UWSSerializer
Serializes the end time of the given job.
getEndTime(AbstractJob, boolean) - Method in class uws.job.serializer.XMLSerializer
getError() - Method in class uws.job.JobThread
Gets the last error which has occurred during the execution of this thread.
getErrorSummary() - Method in class uws.job.AbstractJob
Gets the error that occurs during the execution of this job.
getErrorSummary(ErrorSummary, boolean) - Method in class uws.job.serializer.JSONSerializer
getErrorSummary(ErrorSummary, boolean) - Method in class uws.job.serializer.UWSSerializer
Serializes the given error summary.
getErrorSummary(ErrorSummary, boolean) - Method in class uws.job.serializer.XMLSerializer
getExecutedAction() - Method in class uws.service.AbstractUWS
Gets the UWS action executed during the last call of AbstractUWS.executeRequest(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse).
getExecutedJob() - Method in class uws.job.JobThread
Gets the job instance associated to this thread.
getExecutionDuration() - Method in class uws.job.AbstractJob
Gets the duration (in seconds) for which this job shall run.
getExecutionDuration(AbstractJob, boolean) - Method in class uws.job.serializer.JSONSerializer
getExecutionDuration(AbstractJob, boolean) - Method in class uws.job.serializer.UWSSerializer
Serializes the execution duration of the given job.
getExecutionDuration(AbstractJob, boolean) - Method in class uws.job.serializer.XMLSerializer
getExecutionDurationController() - Method in class uws.service.AbstractUWS
Gets the object which lets the UWS controlling the execution duration of all managed jobs.
getExecutionManager() - Method in class uws.job.AbstractJob
Gets the execution manager of this job, if any.
getExecutionManager() - Method in class uws.service.AbstractUWS
Gets the execution manager.
getFieldIndex() - Method in enum uws.service.controller.DestructionTimeController.DateField
getHeader() - Method in class uws.job.serializer.XMLSerializer
Gets the XML file header (xml version, encoding and the xslt style-sheet link if any).
getHomePage() - Method in class uws.service.AbstractUWS
Gets the URL of the resource which must be used as home page of this UWS.
getHref() - Method in class uws.job.Result
Gets the URL of the result file.
getHttpErrorCode() - Method in exception uws.UWSException
getId() - Method in class uws.job.Result
Gets the id/name of this result.
getJob(String) - Method in class uws.job.JobList
Gets the job whose the ID is given in parameter.
getJob() - Method in class uws.job.JobPhase
Gets the job whose the execution phase is represented by this object.
getJob(AbstractJob, boolean) - Method in class uws.job.serializer.JSONSerializer
getJob(AbstractJob, String[], boolean) - Method in class uws.job.serializer.UWSSerializer
Serializes the given parameter of the given job or serializes the whole job if the given attributes array is empty or null.
getJob(AbstractJob, boolean) - Method in class uws.job.serializer.UWSSerializer
Serializes the whole given job.
getJob(AbstractJob, boolean) - Method in class uws.job.serializer.XMLSerializer
getJob(UWSUrl) - Method in class uws.service.actions.UWSAction
Extracts the job ID from the given UWS URL and gets the corresponding job from the UWS.
getJob(UWSUrl, JL) - Method in class uws.service.actions.UWSAction
Extracts the job ID from the given UWS URL and gets the corresponding job from the given jobs list.
getJobId() - Method in class uws.job.AbstractJob
Gets the ID of this job (this ID MUST be unique).
getJobID(AbstractJob, boolean) - Method in class uws.job.serializer.JSONSerializer
getJobID(AbstractJob, boolean) - Method in class uws.job.serializer.UWSSerializer
Serializes the ID of the given job.
getJobID(AbstractJob, boolean) - Method in class uws.job.serializer.XMLSerializer
getJobId() - Method in class uws.service.UWSUrl
Gets the job ID extracted from the last parsed request or request URL.
getJobList() - Method in class uws.job.AbstractJob
Gets its jobs list, if known.
getJobList(JobList<? extends AbstractJob>, String, boolean) - Method in class uws.job.serializer.JSONSerializer
getJobList(JobList<? extends AbstractJob>, boolean) - Method in class uws.job.serializer.UWSSerializer
Serializes the given jobs list.
getJobList(JobList<? extends AbstractJob>, String, boolean) - Method in class uws.job.serializer.UWSSerializer
Serializes the given jobs list.
getJobList(JobList<? extends AbstractJob>, String, boolean) - Method in class uws.job.serializer.XMLSerializer
getJobList(String) - Method in class uws.service.AbstractUWS
Lets retrieve a jobs list in function of its name.
getJobListName() - Method in class uws.service.UWSUrl
Gets the jobs list name extracted from the last parsed request or request URL.
GetJobParam<JL extends JobList<J>,J extends AbstractJob> - Class in uws.service.actions
The "Get Job Parameter" action of a UWS.
GetJobParam(AbstractUWS<JL, J>) - Constructor for class uws.service.actions.GetJobParam
getJobs() - Method in class uws.job.JobList
Gets an iterator on the whole jobs list.
getJobs(String) - Method in class uws.job.JobList
Gets an iterator on the jobs list of the specified user.
getJobsList(UWSUrl) - Method in class uws.service.actions.UWSAction
Extracts the name of the jobs list from the given UWS URL and gets the jobs list from the UWS.
getMaxDestructionInterval() - Method in class uws.service.controller.DestructionTimeController
Gets the maximum interval value.
getMaxDestructionTime() - Method in class uws.service.controller.DestructionTimeController
Gets the maximum destruction time: either computed with an interval of time or obtained directly by a maximum destruction time.
getMaxExecutionDuration() - Method in class uws.service.controller.ExecutionDurationController
Gets the maximum execution duration.
getMaxIntervalField() - Method in class uws.service.controller.DestructionTimeController
Gets the date-time field of the maximum interval.
getMaxRunningJobs() - Method in class uws.job.manager.QueuedExecutionManager
Gets the maximum number of running jobs.
getMaxRunningJobs() - Method in class uws.service.QueuedBasicUWS
Gets the maximum number of jobs that can run in the same time.
getMaxRunningJobs() - Method in class uws.service.QueuedExtendedUWS
Gets the maximum number of jobs that can run in the same time.
getMessage() - Method in class uws.job.ErrorSummary
Gets a short description of the occurred error.
getMimeType() - Method in class uws.job.serializer.JSONSerializer
getMimeType() - Method in class uws.job.serializer.UWSSerializer
Gets the MIME type of the serialization format used by this serializer.
getMimeType() - Method in class uws.job.serializer.XMLSerializer
getMimeTypes() - Method in class uws.AcceptHeader
Gets the association between each extracted MIME type and its respective quality.
getName() - Method in class uws.job.JobList
Gets the name of this jobs list.
getName() - Method in class uws.service.AbstractUWS
Gets the name of this UWS.
getName() - Method in class uws.service.actions.AddJob
getName() - Method in class uws.service.actions.DestroyJob
getName() - Method in class uws.service.actions.GetJobParam
getName() - Method in class uws.service.actions.JobSummary
getName() - Method in class uws.service.actions.ListJobs
getName() - Method in class uws.service.actions.SetJobParam
getName() - Method in class uws.service.actions.ShowHomePage
getName() - Method in class uws.service.actions.UWSAction
Gets the name of this UWS action.
getNbAdditionalParameters() - Method in class uws.job.AbstractJob
Gets the number of additional parameters.
getNbJobList() - Method in class uws.service.AbstractUWS
Gets the number of managed jobs lists.
getNbJobs() - Method in class uws.job.JobList
Gets the number of jobs into this list.
getNbJobs(String) - Method in class uws.job.JobList
Gets the number of jobs owned by the specified user into this list.
getNbJobsToDestroy() - Method in class uws.job.manager.DefaultDestructionManager
getNbJobsToDestroy() - Method in interface uws.job.manager.DestructionManager
Gets the total number of jobs planned to be destroyed.
getNbObservers() - Method in class uws.job.AbstractJob
Gets the total number of observers this job has.
getNbOtherParameters() - Method in class uws.job.AbstractJob
Deprecated. Replaced by AbstractJob.getNbAdditionalParameters().
getNbQueuedJobs() - Method in class uws.job.manager.DefaultExecutionManager
Always returns 0.
getNbQueuedJobs() - Method in interface uws.job.manager.ExecutionManager
Gets the total number of queued jobs.
getNbQueuedJobs() - Method in class uws.job.manager.QueuedExecutionManager
getNbResults() - Method in class uws.job.AbstractJob
Gets the total number of results.
getNbRunningJobs() - Method in class uws.job.manager.DefaultExecutionManager
getNbRunningJobs() - Method in interface uws.job.manager.ExecutionManager
Gets the total number of running jobs.
getNbRunningJobs() - Method in class uws.job.manager.QueuedExecutionManager
getNbSerializers() - Method in class uws.service.AbstractUWS
Gets the total number of serializers available in this UWS.
getNbUsers() - Method in class uws.job.JobList
Gets the number of all users that have at least one job in this list.
getNbUWSActions() - Method in class uws.service.AbstractUWS
Gets the number of actions this UWS has.
getNextDestruction() - Method in class uws.job.manager.DefaultDestructionManager
getNextDestruction() - Method in interface uws.job.manager.DestructionManager
Gets the destruction date/time of the job currently planned for destruction.
getNextJobToDestroy() - Method in class uws.job.manager.DefaultDestructionManager
getNextJobToDestroy() - Method in interface uws.job.manager.DestructionManager
Gets the ID of the job currently planned for destruction.
getObservers() - Method in class uws.job.AbstractJob
Gets the observers of this job.
getOrderedMimeTypes() - Method in class uws.AcceptHeader
Gets a list of the extracted MIME types, ordered by their respective quality.
getOtherParameters() - Method in class uws.job.AbstractJob
Deprecated. Replaced by AbstractJob.getAdditionalParameters()
getOtherParameterValue(String) - Method in class uws.job.AbstractJob
Deprecated. Replaced by AbstractJob.getAdditionalParameterValue(String).
getOwner() - Method in class uws.job.AbstractJob
Gets the ID of the owner of this job.
getOwnerID(AbstractJob, boolean) - Method in class uws.job.serializer.JSONSerializer
getOwnerID(AbstractJob, boolean) - Method in class uws.job.serializer.UWSSerializer
Serializes the owner ID of the given job.
getOwnerID(AbstractJob, boolean) - Method in class uws.job.serializer.XMLSerializer
getParameters(String) - Static method in class uws.UWSToolBox
Converts the given query part of a HTTP-GET URL to a map of parameters.
getParamsMap(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class uws.UWSToolBox
Builds a map of strings with all parameters of the given HTTP request.
getParamsMap(HttpServletRequest, String) - Static method in class uws.UWSToolBox
Builds a map of strings with all parameters of the given HTTP request and adds the given owner ID if not already in the request parameters.
getPhase() - Method in class uws.job.AbstractJob
Gets the phase in which this job is now.
getPhase(String) - Static method in enum uws.job.ExecutionPhase
getPhase() - Method in class uws.job.JobPhase
Gets the current phase of the job.
getPhase(AbstractJob, boolean) - Method in class uws.job.serializer.JSONSerializer
getPhase(AbstractJob, boolean) - Method in class uws.job.serializer.UWSSerializer
Serializes the phase of the given job.
getPhase(AbstractJob, boolean) - Method in class uws.job.serializer.XMLSerializer
getPhaseManager() - Method in class uws.job.AbstractJob
Gets the phase manager of this job.
getPreferredMimeType() - Method in class uws.AcceptHeader
Gets the preferred MIME type (HTML, JSON or * /*) according to the order and the quality of all extracted MIME types.
getQueryPart(Map<String, String>) - Static method in class uws.UWSToolBox
Converts map of UWS parameters into a string corresponding to the query part of a HTTP-GET URL (i.e. ?
getQueuedJobs() - Method in class uws.job.manager.DefaultExecutionManager
Always returns a Null Iterator (iterator whose next() returns null and hasNext() returns false).
getQueuedJobs() - Method in interface uws.job.manager.ExecutionManager
Gets the list of queued jobs.
getQueuedJobs() - Method in class uws.job.manager.QueuedExecutionManager
getQuote() - Method in class uws.job.AbstractJob
Get the quote attribute of this job.
getQuote(AbstractJob, boolean) - Method in class uws.job.serializer.JSONSerializer
getQuote(AbstractJob, boolean) - Method in class uws.job.serializer.UWSSerializer
Serializes the quote of the given job.
getQuote(AbstractJob, boolean) - Method in class uws.job.serializer.XMLSerializer
getRequestURI() - Method in class uws.service.UWSUrl
Gets the request URI.
getRequestURL() - Method in class uws.service.UWSUrl
Gets the request URL.
getResult(Result, boolean) - Method in class uws.job.serializer.JSONSerializer
getResult(Result, boolean) - Method in class uws.job.serializer.UWSSerializer
Serializes the given result.
getResult(Result, boolean) - Method in class uws.job.serializer.XMLSerializer
getResults() - Method in class uws.job.AbstractJob
Gets the results list of this job.
getResults(AbstractJob, boolean) - Method in class uws.job.serializer.JSONSerializer
getResults(AbstractJob, boolean) - Method in class uws.job.serializer.UWSSerializer
Serializes the results of the given job.
getResults(AbstractJob, boolean) - Method in class uws.job.serializer.XMLSerializer
getRunId() - Method in class uws.job.AbstractJob
Gets the RunID of this job given by the UWS user (presumed to be the owner of this job).
getRunID(AbstractJob, boolean) - Method in class uws.job.serializer.JSONSerializer
getRunID(AbstractJob, boolean) - Method in class uws.job.serializer.UWSSerializer
Serializes the run ID of the given job.
getRunID(AbstractJob, boolean) - Method in class uws.job.serializer.XMLSerializer
getRunningJobs() - Method in class uws.job.manager.DefaultExecutionManager
getRunningJobs() - Method in interface uws.job.manager.ExecutionManager
Gets the list of running jobs.
getRunningJobs() - Method in class uws.job.manager.QueuedExecutionManager
getSerializer(String) - Method in class uws.service.AbstractUWS
Gets the serializer whose the MIME type is the same as the given one.
getSerializers() - Method in class uws.service.AbstractUWS
Gets an iterator of the list of all serializers available in this UWS.
getServerResource(String, HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class uws.UWSToolBox
Lets building the absolute URL of any resource available in the root server, from a relative URL.
getStartTime() - Method in class uws.job.AbstractJob
Gets the time at which the job execution has started.
getStartTime(AbstractJob, boolean) - Method in class uws.job.serializer.JSONSerializer
getStartTime(AbstractJob, boolean) - Method in class uws.job.serializer.UWSSerializer
Serializes the start time of the given job.
getStartTime(AbstractJob, boolean) - Method in class uws.job.serializer.XMLSerializer
getStr(ExecutionPhase) - Static method in enum uws.job.ExecutionPhase
getTimeToWaitForEnd() - Method in class uws.job.AbstractJob
Gets the time to wait for the end of the thread after an interruption.
getType() - Method in class uws.job.ErrorSummary
Gets the type of the occurred error (ErrorType.FATAL by default).
getType() - Method in class uws.job.Result
Gets the type of this result.
getUrl() - Method in class uws.job.JobList
Gets the UWS URL of this jobs list in function of its UWS.
getUrlHeader() - Method in class uws.service.UWSUrl
Gets the URL header of the request URL.
getUrlInterpreter() - Method in class uws.service.AbstractUWS
Gets the UWS URL interpreter of this UWS.
getUserIdentifier() - Method in class uws.service.AbstractUWS
Gets the object which lets extracting the user ID from a received request.
getUsers() - Method in class uws.job.JobList
Gets all users that own at least one job in this list.
getUWS() - Method in class uws.job.JobList
Gets the UWS which manages this jobs list.
getUWS(AbstractUWS<? extends JobList<? extends AbstractJob>, ? extends AbstractJob>, String) - Method in class uws.job.serializer.JSONSerializer
getUWS(AbstractUWS<? extends JobList<? extends AbstractJob>, ? extends AbstractJob>) - Method in class uws.job.serializer.UWSSerializer
Serializes the given UWS.
getUWS(AbstractUWS<? extends JobList<? extends AbstractJob>, ? extends AbstractJob>, String) - Method in class uws.job.serializer.UWSSerializer
Serializes the given UWS for the specified user.
getUWS(AbstractUWS<? extends JobList<? extends AbstractJob>, ? extends AbstractJob>, String) - Method in class uws.job.serializer.XMLSerializer
getUWS() - Method in class uws.service.actions.UWSAction
Gets the UWS which contains this action.
getUWSAction(String) - Method in class uws.service.AbstractUWS
Gets the action of this UWS which has the same name as the given one.
getUWSActions() - Method in class uws.service.AbstractUWS
Gets all actions of this UWS.
getUWSErrorType() - Method in exception uws.UWSException
getUWSName() - Method in class uws.service.UWSUrl
Gets the SUPPOSED name of the UWS from its baseURI.
getUWSNamespace() - Method in class uws.job.serializer.XMLSerializer
Gets all UWS namespaces declarations needed for an XML representation of a UWS object.
getUWSNamespace(boolean) - Method in class uws.job.serializer.XMLSerializer
Gets the node attributes which declare the UWS namespace.
getUWSNamespace() - Static method in class uws.UWSToolBox
Deprecated. Replaced by a non-static function in XMLSerializer: XMLSerializer.getUWSNamespace(). It is totally discouraged to use this function.
getUwsURI() - Method in class uws.service.UWSUrl
Gets the UWS URI.
getWorkError() - Method in class uws.job.AbstractJob
Gets the error (if any) which has occurred during the job execution.
getXSLTPath() - Method in class uws.job.serializer.XMLSerializer
Gets the path/URL of the XSLT style-sheet to use.
getXsltURL() - Method in class uws.service.AbstractUWS
Gets the URL of the XSLT style-sheet that the XML serializer of this UWS is using.