Uses of Class

Packages that use UWSAction

Uses of UWSAction in uws.service

Subclasses of UWSAction in uws.service
protected  class ExtendedUWS.AddJobWithConstructor
          Action AddJob which initializes the attribute ExtendedUWS.jlDestination with the job list in which a job must be added.

Fields in uws.service declared as UWSAction
protected  UWSAction<JL,J> AbstractUWS.executedAction
          The action executed during the last call of AbstractUWS.executeRequest(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse).

Fields in uws.service with type parameters of type UWSAction
protected  java.util.Vector<UWSAction<JL,J>> AbstractUWS.uwsActions
          List of UWS actions (i.e. to list jobs, to get a job, to set a job parameter, etc...).

Methods in uws.service that return UWSAction
 UWSAction<JL,J> AbstractUWS.getExecutedAction()
          Gets the UWS action executed during the last call of AbstractUWS.executeRequest(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse).
 UWSAction<JL,J> AbstractUWS.getUWSAction(java.lang.String actionName)
          Gets the action of this UWS which has the same name as the given one.
 UWSAction<JL,J> AbstractUWS.removeUWSAction(int indAction)
          Removes the specified action from this UWS.
 UWSAction<JL,J> AbstractUWS.removeUWSAction(java.lang.String actionName)
          Removes the action of this UWS which has the same name as the given one.
 UWSAction<JL,J> AbstractUWS.replaceUWSAction(UWSAction<JL,J> action)
          Replaces the action which has the same name that the given action.

Methods in uws.service that return types with arguments of type UWSAction
 java.util.Iterator<UWSAction<JL,J>> AbstractUWS.getUWSActions()
          Gets all actions of this UWS.

Methods in uws.service with parameters of type UWSAction
 boolean AbstractUWS.addUWSAction(int indAction, UWSAction<JL,J> action)
          Lets inserting the given action at the given position in the actions list of this UWS.
 boolean AbstractUWS.addUWSAction(UWSAction<JL,J> action)
          Lets adding the given action to this UWS.
 UWSAction<JL,J> AbstractUWS.replaceUWSAction(UWSAction<JL,J> action)
          Replaces the action which has the same name that the given action.
 boolean AbstractUWS.setUWSAction(int indAction, UWSAction<JL,J> action)
          Replaces the specified action by the given action.

Uses of UWSAction in uws.service.actions

Subclasses of UWSAction in uws.service.actions
 class AddJob<JL extends JobList<J>,J extends AbstractJob>
          The "Add Job" action of a UWS.
 class DestroyJob<JL extends JobList<J>,J extends AbstractJob>
          The "Destroy Job" action of a UWS.
 class GetJobParam<JL extends JobList<J>,J extends AbstractJob>
          The "Get Job Parameter" action of a UWS.
 class JobSummary<JL extends JobList<J>,J extends AbstractJob>
          The "Get Job" action of a UWS.
 class ListJobs<JL extends JobList<J>,J extends AbstractJob>
          The "List Jobs" action of a UWS.
 class SetJobParam<JL extends JobList<J>,J extends AbstractJob>
          The "Set Job Parameter" action of a UWS.
 class ShowHomePage<JL extends JobList<J>,J extends AbstractJob>
          The "Show UWS Home Page" action of a UWS.