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dbCatalogName - Variable in class adql.db.DefaultDBTable
DBChecker - Class in adql.db
This QueryChecker implementation is able to do the following verifications on an ADQL query: Check the existence of all table and column references found in a query Resolve all unknown functions as supported User Defined Functions (UDFs) Check whether all used geometrical functions are supported Check whether all used coordinate systems are supported Check that types of columns and UDFs match with their context
DBChecker() - Constructor for class adql.db.DBChecker
Builds a DBChecker with an empty list of tables.
DBChecker(Collection<? extends DBTable>) - Constructor for class adql.db.DBChecker
Builds a DBChecker with the given list of known tables.
DBChecker(Collection<? extends DBTable>, Collection<? extends FunctionDef>) - Constructor for class adql.db.DBChecker
Builds a DBChecker with the given list of known tables and with a restricted list of user defined functions.
DBChecker(Collection<? extends DBTable>, Collection<String>, Collection<String>) - Constructor for class adql.db.DBChecker
Builds a DBChecker with the given list of known tables and with a restricted list of user defined functions.
DBChecker(Collection<? extends DBTable>, Collection<? extends FunctionDef>, Collection<String>, Collection<String>) - Constructor for class adql.db.DBChecker
Builds a DBChecker.
DBChecker.BinarySearch<T,S> - Class in adql.db
Implement the binary search algorithm over a sorted array.
DBColumn - Interface in adql.db
Definition of a valid target column.
DBCommonColumn - Class in adql.db
This is a special column which exists only after a NATURAL JOIN or a JOIN ...
DBCommonColumn(DBColumn, DBColumn) - Constructor for class adql.db.DBCommonColumn
Create a column which merges both of the given columns.
DBCommonColumn(DBCommonColumn, String, String) - Constructor for class adql.db.DBCommonColumn
Constructor by copy.
dbName - Variable in class adql.db.DefaultDBColumn
Name of the column in the "database".
dbName - Variable in class adql.db.DefaultDBTable
dbSchemaName - Variable in class adql.db.DefaultDBTable
DBTable - Interface in adql.db
Definition of a valid target table.
DBTableAlias - Class in adql.db
This DBTable wraps another DBTable with a different ADQL and DB name.
DBTableAlias(DBTable, String) - Constructor for class adql.db.DBTableAlias
Wrap the given table under the given ADQL/DB name.
DBType - Class in adql.db
Describe a full column type as it is described in the IVOA document of TAP.
DBType(DBType.DBDatatype) - Constructor for class adql.db.DBType
Build a TAP column type by specifying a datatype.
DBType(DBType.DBDatatype, int) - Constructor for class adql.db.DBType
Build a TAP column type by specifying a datatype and a length (needed only for datatypes like char, varchar, binary and varbinary).
DBType.DBDatatype - Enum in adql.db
List of all datatypes declared in the IVOA recommendation of TAP (in the section UPLOAD).
debugStream - Variable in class adql.parser.ADQLParserTokenManager
Debug output.
DEFAULT - Static variable in enum adql.db.STCS.Flavor
Default value for a flavor: STCS.Flavor.SPHERICAL2.
DEFAULT - Static variable in enum adql.db.STCS.Frame
Default value for a frame: STCS.Frame.UNKNOWNFRAME.
DEFAULT - Static variable in enum adql.db.STCS.RefPos
Default value for a reference position: STCS.RefPos.UNKNOWNREFPOS.
DEFAULT - Static variable in interface adql.parser.ADQLParserConstants
Lexical state.
DEFAULT_VARIABLE_LENGTH - Static variable in class adql.translator.MySQLTranslator
MySQL requires a length for variable-length types such as CHAR, VARCHAR, BINARY and VARBINARY.
DefaultDBColumn - Class in adql.db
Default implementation of DBColumn.
DefaultDBColumn(String, DBTable) - Constructor for class adql.db.DefaultDBColumn
Builds a default DBColumn with the given DB name and DB table.
DefaultDBColumn(String, DBType, DBTable) - Constructor for class adql.db.DefaultDBColumn
Builds a default DBColumn with the given DB name and DB table.
DefaultDBColumn(String, String, DBTable) - Constructor for class adql.db.DefaultDBColumn
Builds a default DBColumn with the given DB name, DB table and ADQL name.
DefaultDBColumn(String, String, DBType, DBTable) - Constructor for class adql.db.DefaultDBColumn
Builds a default DBColumn with the given DB name, DB table and ADQL name.
DefaultDBTable - Class in adql.db
Default implementation of DBTable.
DefaultDBTable(String) - Constructor for class adql.db.DefaultDBTable
Builds a default DBTable with the given DB name.
DefaultDBTable(String, String) - Constructor for class adql.db.DefaultDBTable
Builds a default DBTable with the given DB and ADQL names.
DefaultDBTable(String, String, String) - Constructor for class adql.db.DefaultDBTable
Builds default DBTable with a DB catalog, schema and table names.
DefaultDBTable(String, String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class adql.db.DefaultDBTable
Builds default DBTable with the DB and ADQL names for the catalog, schema and table.
DefaultKeyExtractor() - Constructor for class cds.utils.TextualSearchList.DefaultKeyExtractor
defaultSeparator - Variable in class adql.query.ClauseConstraints
The logical separator used when none is specified during a constraint insertion (by default = OR).
DefaultUDF - Class in adql.query.operand.function
It represents any function which is not managed by ADQL.
DefaultUDF(String, ADQLOperand[]) - Constructor for class adql.query.operand.function.DefaultUDF
Creates a user function.
DefaultUDF(DefaultUDF) - Constructor for class adql.query.operand.function.DefaultUDF
Builds a UserFunction by copying the given one.
definition - Variable in class adql.query.operand.function.DefaultUDF
Define/Describe this user defined function.
DEGREES - Static variable in interface adql.parser.ADQLParserConstants
RegularExpression Id.
DELIMITED_IDENTIFIER - Static variable in interface adql.parser.ADQLParserConstants
RegularExpression Id.
DESC - Static variable in interface adql.parser.ADQLParserConstants
RegularExpression Id.
description - Variable in class adql.db.FunctionDef
Description of this function.
DIGIT - Static variable in interface adql.parser.ADQLParserConstants
RegularExpression Id.
disable_tracing() - Method in class adql.parser.ADQLParser
Disable tracing.
DISTANCE - Static variable in interface adql.parser.ADQLParserConstants
RegularExpression Id.
DistanceFunction - Class in adql.query.operand.function.geometry
It represents the DISTANCE function of the ADQL language.
DistanceFunction(GeometryFunction.GeometryValue<PointFunction>, GeometryFunction.GeometryValue<PointFunction>) - Constructor for class adql.query.operand.function.geometry.DistanceFunction
Builds a DISTANCE function.
DistanceFunction(DistanceFunction) - Constructor for class adql.query.operand.function.geometry.DistanceFunction
Builds a DISTANCE function by copying the given one.
distinctColumns() - Method in class adql.query.ClauseSelect
Tells whether this clause imposes that returned rows are unique (regarding the first returned column).
DIVIDE - Static variable in interface adql.parser.ADQLParserConstants
RegularExpression Id.
Done() - Method in class adql.parser.SimpleCharStream
Reset buffer when finished.
DOT - Static variable in interface adql.parser.ADQLParserConstants
RegularExpression Id.
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