- ID - Variable in class tap.db.JDBCConnection
Connection ID (typically, the job ID).
- id - Variable in class tap.metadata.TAPCoosys
ID of this coordinate system definition.
- ID - Variable in class tap.TAPSyncJob
ID of this job.
- ID - Variable in class tap.TAPSyncJob.SyncThread
ID of this thread.
- id - Variable in class uws.job.Result
[Required ; Default="result"] Name or ID of this result.
- Identifier() - Method in class adql.parser.ADQLParser
- identifier - Variable in class adql.parser.IdentifierItems.IdentifierItem
- IdentifierField - Enum in adql.query
Lets getting or setting the case sensitivity of an identifier (column, table, schema, catalog or alias)
of an
or an
- IdentifierItem(Token, boolean) - Constructor for class adql.parser.IdentifierItems.IdentifierItem
- IdentifierItems - Class in adql.parser
Important: This class is designed to be filled ONLY by
- IdentifierItems(boolean) - Constructor for class adql.parser.IdentifierItems
Builds an IdentifierItems by specifying it is a table or a column identifier.
- IdentifierItems.IdentifierItem - Class in adql.parser
Represent any ADQL identifier (column name, table name or table/column
- IGNORE_FETCH_SIZE - Static variable in class tap.db.JDBCConnection
Special fetch size meaning that the JDBC driver is free to set its own guess for this value.
- image - Variable in class adql.parser.Token
The string image of the token.
- IN - Static variable in interface adql.parser.ADQLParserConstants
RegularExpression Id.
- In - Class in adql.query.constraint
It represents the IN predicate of SQL and ADQL.
- In(ADQLOperand, ADQLQuery) - Constructor for class adql.query.constraint.In
Builds an IN constraint with a sub-query.
- In(ADQLOperand, ADQLQuery, boolean) - Constructor for class adql.query.constraint.In
Builds an IN constraint with a sub-query.
- In(ADQLOperand, ADQLOperand[]) - Constructor for class adql.query.constraint.In
Builds an IN constraint with a values list.
- In(ADQLOperand, ADQLOperand[], boolean) - Constructor for class adql.query.constraint.In
Builds an IN constraint with a values list.
- In(ADQLOperand, ADQLList<ADQLOperand>) - Constructor for class adql.query.constraint.In
Builds an IN constraint with a values list.
- In(ADQLOperand, ADQLList<ADQLOperand>, boolean) - Constructor for class adql.query.constraint.In
Builds an IN constraint with a values list.
- In(In) - Constructor for class adql.query.constraint.In
Builds a IN constraint by copying the given one.
- inBuf - Variable in class adql.parser.SimpleCharStream
- incorrectPhaseTransition(String, ExecutionPhase, ExecutionPhase) - Static method in class uws.UWSExceptionFactory
- incorrectPhaseTransition(String, ExecutionPhase, ExecutionPhase, String) - Static method in class uws.UWSExceptionFactory
- indCol - Variable in class tap.data.VOTableIterator
- indCoord - Variable in class adql.query.operand.function.geometry.ExtractCoord
Number of the coordinate to extract (1 or 2).
- index - Variable in class adql.query.ADQLList.ADQLListIterator
- index - Variable in class adql.query.operand.function.ADQLFunction.ParameterIterator
- InEnd(ADQLOperand) - Method in class adql.parser.ADQLParser
- info(String) - Method in class uws.service.log.DefaultUWSLog
- info(String) - Method in class uws.service.log.Slf4jUWSLog
- info(String) - Method in interface uws.service.log.UWSLog
Logs the given information.
- init(ServletConfig) - Method in class tap.config.ConfigurableTAPServlet
- init(ServletConfig) - Method in class tap.metadata.TAPMetadata
- init(ServletConfig) - Method in class tap.resource.ASync
- init(ServletConfig) - Method in class tap.resource.Availability
- init(ServletConfig) - Method in class tap.resource.Capabilities
- init(ServletConfig) - Method in class tap.resource.Examples
- init(ServletConfig) - Method in class tap.resource.HomePage
- init(ServletConfig) - Method in class tap.resource.Sync
- init(ServletConfig) - Method in class tap.resource.TAP
Let initialize this resource and all the other managed resources.
- init(ServletConfig) - Method in interface tap.resource.TAPResource
Let initialize this TAP resource.
- init(ServletConfig) - Method in class uws.config.ConfigurableUWSServlet
- init() - Method in class uws.job.parameters.UWSParameters
Set the default value to all missing parameters (ONLY for those who have a controller -> see
- init(ServletConfig) - Method in class uws.service.UWSServlet
- init() - Method in class uws.service.UWSServlet
- initDBConnection(String) - Method in class tap.ADQLExecutor
Create the database connection required for the ADQL execution.
- initParameters(String, String) - Method in class uws.config.ConfigurableUWSFactory
Parse the given list of parameters + their limits/controller and update the list of parameters for the specified job list.
- initPosition(ADQLColumn) - Method in exception adql.db.exception.UnresolvedColumnException
- initPosition(ADQLTable) - Method in exception adql.db.exception.UnresolvedTableException
Initializes the position at which this exception occurs.
- initPosition(ADQLColumn) - Method in exception adql.db.exception.UnresolvedTableException
- initUWS() - Method in class uws.service.UWSServlet
- initXSLTStylesheet(Properties) - Method in class tap.config.ConfigurableTAPServlet
Initialize the XSLT for /capabilities and /tables.
- INNER - Static variable in interface adql.parser.ADQLParserConstants
RegularExpression Id.
- InnerJoin - Class in adql.query.from
Inner join.
- InnerJoin(FromContent, FromContent) - Constructor for class adql.query.from.InnerJoin
Builds a NATURAL INNER JOIN between the two given "tables".
- InnerJoin(FromContent, FromContent, ClauseConstraints) - Constructor for class adql.query.from.InnerJoin
Builds an INNER JOIN between the two given "tables" with the given condition.
- InnerJoin(FromContent, FromContent, Collection<ADQLColumn>) - Constructor for class adql.query.from.InnerJoin
Builds an INNER JOIN between the two given "tables" with the list of columns to join.
- InnerJoin(InnerJoin) - Constructor for class adql.query.from.InnerJoin
Builds a copy of the given INNER join.
- input - Variable in class tap.data.VOTableIterator
Stream containing the VOTable on which this
is iterating.
- input_stream - Variable in class adql.parser.ADQLParserTokenManager
- InputParamController - Interface in uws.job.parameters
Lets controlling an input parameter of a UWS job.
- inputParamControllers - Variable in class uws.service.AbstractUWSFactory
List the controllers of all the input parameters.
- inputParamControllers - Variable in class uws.service.UWSServlet
List the controllers of all the input parameters.
- inputParams - Variable in class uws.job.UWSJob
List of all input parameters (UWS standard and non-standard parameters).
- inputStream - Variable in class adql.parser.SimpleCharStream
- INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR - Static variable in exception uws.UWSException
- interrupt() - Method in class tap.TAPSyncJob.SyncThread
- INTERSECTS - Static variable in interface adql.parser.ADQLParserConstants
RegularExpression Id.
- IntersectsFunction - Class in adql.query.operand.function.geometry
It represents the INTERSECTS function of the ADQL language.
- IntersectsFunction(GeometryFunction.GeometryValue<GeometryFunction>, GeometryFunction.GeometryValue<GeometryFunction>) - Constructor for class adql.query.operand.function.geometry.IntersectsFunction
Builds an INTERSECTS function.
- IntersectsFunction(IntersectsFunction) - Constructor for class adql.query.operand.function.geometry.IntersectsFunction
Builds an INTERSECTS function by copying the given one.
- IReplaceHandler - Interface in adql.search
Defines an interface for any kind of search/replace handler.
- IS - Static variable in interface adql.parser.ADQLParserConstants
RegularExpression Id.
- isAllParamTypesResolved(ADQLFunction) - Method in class adql.db.DBChecker
Tell whether the type of all parameters of the given ADQL function
is resolved.
- isAvailable() - Method in class tap.config.ConfigurableServiceConnection
- isAvailable() - Method in interface tap.ServiceConnection
- isBinary() - Method in class adql.db.DBType
Tells whether this type is a list of bytes.
- isByReference() - Method in class tap.parameters.DALIUpload
Tell whether this upload is actually a reference toward a distant resource.
- isCancelled() - Method in class tap.db.JDBCConnection
Tell whether the last query execution has been canceled.
- isCaseSensitive() - Method in class adql.query.ColumnReference
Tells whether the column reference on a column name/alias is case sensitive.
- isCaseSensitive(IdentifierField) - Method in class adql.query.from.ADQLTable
Indicates whether the specified field (catalog, schema or table) is case sensitive or not.
- isCaseSensitive() - Method in class adql.query.from.ADQLTable
Indicates whether all fields (catalog, schema and table) are case sensitive.
- isCaseSensitive(byte) - Method in enum adql.query.IdentifierField
Tells whether this field is case sensitive in the given global case sensitivity definition.
- isCaseSensitive(IdentifierField) - Method in class adql.query.operand.ADQLColumn
Indicates whether the specified field (catalog, schema, table or column) is case sensitive or not.
- isCaseSensitive() - Method in class adql.query.operand.ADQLColumn
Indicates whether all fields (catalog, schema, table and column) are case sensitive.
- isCaseSensitive() - Method in class adql.query.SelectItem
Tells whether the alias is case sensitive.
- isCaseSensitive(IdentifierField) - Method in class adql.translator.JDBCTranslator
Tell whether the specified identifier MUST be translated so that being interpreted case sensitively or not.
- isCaseSensitive(IdentifierField) - Method in class adql.translator.MySQLTranslator
- isCaseSensitive(IdentifierField) - Method in class adql.translator.PostgreSQLTranslator
- isCaseSensitive(IdentifierField) - Method in class adql.translator.SQLServerTranslator
- isClassName(String) - Static method in class tap.config.TAPConfiguration
Test whether a property value is a class name.
- isClassName(String) - Static method in class uws.config.UWSConfiguration
Test whether a property value is a class name.
- isColumn() - Method in class adql.query.operand.function.geometry.GeometryFunction.GeometryValue
- isColumnExisting(String, String, String, DatabaseMetaData) - Method in class tap.db.JDBCConnection
Tell whether the specified column exists in the specified table of the database.
- isCommonColumn(DBColumn) - Static method in class adql.query.from.ADQLJoin
Tells whether the given column is a common column (that's to say, a unification of several columns of the same name).
- isCompatible(DBType) - Method in class adql.db.DBType
Tell whether this
is compatible with the given one.
- isCompatibleWith(ServiceConnection.LimitUnit) - Method in enum tap.ServiceConnection.LimitUnit
Tells whether the given unit has the same type (bytes or rows).
- isDefault() - Method in class adql.db.STCS.CoordSys
Tell whether this is the default coordinate system (UNKNOWNFRAME UNKNOWNREFPOS SPHERICAL2).
- isDefault() - Method in enum adql.db.STCS.Flavor
Tell whether this flavor is the default one.
- isDefault() - Method in enum adql.db.STCS.Frame
Tell whether this frame is the default one.
- isDefault() - Method in enum adql.db.STCS.RefPos
Tell whether this reference position is the default one.
- isDefaultHomePage() - Method in class uws.service.UWSService
- isDefaultUrl(Result, UWSJob) - Method in class uws.service.actions.GetJobParam
Tells whether the URL of this Result is the default one.
- isDescSorting() - Method in class adql.query.ADQLOrder
Tells how the results will be sorted.
- isDistinct() - Method in class adql.db.SearchColumnList
Tells whether multiple occurrences are allowed.
- isDistinct() - Method in class adql.db.SearchTableList
Tells whether multiple occurrences are allowed.
- isDistinct() - Method in class adql.query.operand.function.SQLFunction
Indicates whether values of the parameter must be distinct or not.
- ISearchHandler - Interface in adql.search
Defines an interface for any kind of search handler.
- isEmpty() - Method in class adql.query.ADQLList
Tells whether this clause contains at least one ADQL item.
- isEmpty() - Method in class tap.metadata.TAPForeignKey
- isEmpty() - Method in class tap.metadata.TAPMetadata
Tell whether this TAP metadata set contains no schema.
- isEmpty() - Method in class tap.metadata.TAPSchema
Tell whether this schema contains no table.
- isEmpty() - Method in class tap.metadata.TAPTable
Tell whether this table contains no column.
- isEmpty() - Method in class uws.job.parameters.UWSParameters
Tells whether there is no parameter or not.
- isEnabled() - Method in class uws.service.backup.DefaultUWSBackupManager
Tells whether this backup manager is enabled or not.
- isEnd(Token) - Method in class adql.parser.ADQLParser
Tell whether the given token represents the end of an ADQL query.
- isExecuting() - Method in class uws.job.JobPhase
Indicates whether the job is executing, considering its current phase.
- isFinished() - Method in class adql.search.SimpleSearchHandler
- isFinished() - Method in class uws.job.JobPhase
Indicates whether the job is finished or not, considering its current
- isFinished() - Method in class uws.job.JobThread
- isFinished() - Method in class uws.job.UWSJob
Tells whether the job is already finished (completed, aborted,
error, archived, ...).
- isFormEncodedRequest(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class uws.service.request.FormEncodedParser
Utility method that determines whether the content of the given request is a application/x-www-form-urlencoded.
- isFullCaseSensitive(byte) - Static method in enum adql.query.IdentifierField
Tells whether all identifier parts are case sensitive in the given global case sensitivity definition.
- isFunctionName(Token) - Method in class adql.parser.ADQLParser
Tell whether the given token matches to an ADQL function name.
- isGeometry() - Method in class adql.db.DBType
Tells whether this type is a geometrical region.
- isGeometry - Variable in class adql.db.FunctionDef
Indicate whether the return type is a geometry.
- isGeometry() - Method in class adql.db.FunctionDef
Tell whether this function returns a geometry.
- isGeometry() - Method in class adql.query.operand.ADQLColumn
- isGeometry() - Method in interface adql.query.operand.ADQLOperand
Tell whether this operand is a geometrical region or not.
- isGeometry() - Method in class adql.query.operand.Concatenation
- isGeometry() - Method in class adql.query.operand.function.DefaultUDF
- isGeometry() - Method in class adql.query.operand.function.geometry.AreaFunction
- isGeometry() - Method in class adql.query.operand.function.geometry.BoxFunction
- isGeometry() - Method in class adql.query.operand.function.geometry.CentroidFunction
- isGeometry() - Method in class adql.query.operand.function.geometry.CircleFunction
- isGeometry() - Method in class adql.query.operand.function.geometry.ContainsFunction
- isGeometry() - Method in class adql.query.operand.function.geometry.DistanceFunction
- isGeometry() - Method in class adql.query.operand.function.geometry.ExtractCoord
- isGeometry() - Method in class adql.query.operand.function.geometry.ExtractCoordSys
- isGeometry() - Method in class adql.query.operand.function.geometry.GeometryFunction.GeometryValue
- isGeometry() - Method in class adql.query.operand.function.geometry.IntersectsFunction
- isGeometry() - Method in class adql.query.operand.function.geometry.PointFunction
- isGeometry() - Method in class adql.query.operand.function.geometry.PolygonFunction
- isGeometry() - Method in class adql.query.operand.function.geometry.RegionFunction
- isGeometry() - Method in class adql.query.operand.function.MathFunction
- isGeometry() - Method in class adql.query.operand.function.SQLFunction
- isGeometry() - Method in class adql.query.operand.NegativeOperand
Always returns false.
- isGeometry() - Method in class adql.query.operand.NumericConstant
Always returns false.
- isGeometry() - Method in class adql.query.operand.Operation
Always returns false.
- isGeometry() - Method in class adql.query.operand.StringConstant
- isGeometry() - Method in class adql.query.operand.WrappedOperand
- isHomePageRedirection() - Method in class uws.service.UWSService
Tells whether a redirection to the specified home page must be done or not.
- isIndex() - Method in class adql.query.ColumnReference
Tells whether the column is referenced by its index or by its name/alias.
- isIndexed() - Method in class tap.metadata.TAPColumn
Tell whether this column is indexed.
- isInitiallyQualified() - Method in class tap.metadata.TAPTable
- isJobUpdatable() - Method in class uws.job.JobPhase
Indicates whether the job attributes (except errors and results) can be
updated, considering its current phase.
- isMultipartContent(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class uws.service.request.MultipartParser
Utility method that determines whether the content of the given request
is a multipart/form-data.
- isNatural() - Method in class adql.query.from.ADQLJoin
Indicates whether this join is natural or not.
- isNotBetween() - Method in class adql.query.constraint.Between
Tells whether the predicate is BETWEEN or NOT BETWEEN.
- isNotIn() - Method in class adql.query.constraint.In
Tells whether this predicate is IN or NOT IN.
- isNotNull() - Method in class adql.query.constraint.IsNull
Tells whether the predicate is IS NULL or IS NOT NULL.
- IsNull - Class in adql.query.constraint
Represents a comparison between a column to the NULL value.
- IsNull(ADQLColumn) - Constructor for class adql.query.constraint.IsNull
Builds a comparison between the given column and NULL.
- IsNull(ADQLColumn, boolean) - Constructor for class adql.query.constraint.IsNull
Builds a comparison between the column and NULL.
- IsNull(IsNull) - Constructor for class adql.query.constraint.IsNull
Builds a IsNull constraint by copying the given one.
- isNullable() - Method in class tap.metadata.TAPColumn
Tell whether this column is nullable.
- isNumeric() - Method in class adql.db.DBType
Tells whether this type is a numeric.
- isNumeric - Variable in class adql.db.FunctionDef
Indicate whether the return type is a numeric.
- isNumeric() - Method in class adql.db.FunctionDef
Tell whether this function returns a numeric.
- isNumeric() - Method in class adql.query.operand.ADQLColumn
- isNumeric() - Method in interface adql.query.operand.ADQLOperand
Tell whether this operand is numeric or not.
- isNumeric() - Method in class adql.query.operand.Concatenation
- isNumeric() - Method in class adql.query.operand.function.DefaultUDF
- isNumeric() - Method in class adql.query.operand.function.geometry.AreaFunction
- isNumeric() - Method in class adql.query.operand.function.geometry.BoxFunction
- isNumeric() - Method in class adql.query.operand.function.geometry.CentroidFunction
- isNumeric() - Method in class adql.query.operand.function.geometry.CircleFunction
- isNumeric() - Method in class adql.query.operand.function.geometry.ContainsFunction
- isNumeric() - Method in class adql.query.operand.function.geometry.DistanceFunction
- isNumeric() - Method in class adql.query.operand.function.geometry.ExtractCoord
- isNumeric() - Method in class adql.query.operand.function.geometry.ExtractCoordSys
- isNumeric() - Method in class adql.query.operand.function.geometry.GeometryFunction.GeometryValue
- isNumeric() - Method in class adql.query.operand.function.geometry.IntersectsFunction
- isNumeric() - Method in class adql.query.operand.function.geometry.PointFunction
- isNumeric() - Method in class adql.query.operand.function.geometry.PolygonFunction
- isNumeric() - Method in class adql.query.operand.function.geometry.RegionFunction
- isNumeric() - Method in class adql.query.operand.function.MathFunction
- isNumeric() - Method in class adql.query.operand.function.SQLFunction
- isNumeric() - Method in class adql.query.operand.NegativeOperand
Always returns true.
- isNumeric() - Method in class adql.query.operand.NumericConstant
Always returns true.
- isNumeric() - Method in class adql.query.operand.Operation
Always returns true.
- isNumeric() - Method in class adql.query.operand.StringConstant
- isNumeric() - Method in class adql.query.operand.WrappedOperand
- ISO8601Format - Class in uws
Let formatting and parsing date expressed in ISO8601 format.
- ISO8601Format() - Constructor for class uws.ISO8601Format
- isOverflow() - Method in class tap.data.LimitedTableIterator
Tell whether a limit (in rows or bytes) has been reached.
- isPrincipal() - Method in class tap.metadata.TAPColumn
Tell whether this column is one of those returned by default.
- isReadyForExecution() - Method in class tap.AsyncThread
Check whether this thread is able to start right now.
- isReadyForExecution() - Method in class tap.TAPJob
Check whether this job is able to start right now.
- isReadyForExecution(UWSJob) - Method in class uws.job.manager.AbstractQueuedExecutionManager
Tells whether the given job can be executed NOW.
- isReadyForExecution(UWSJob) - Method in class uws.job.manager.QueuedExecutionManager
- isRecursive() - Method in class adql.search.SimpleSearchHandler
Tells whether this handler must search also in sub-queries.
- isRedirectionRequired() - Method in class uws.job.Result
Tells whether a redirection toward the URL of this result is required to get the result content.
- isRedirectionUrl(String, String, UWSJob) - Static method in class uws.job.Result
Tells whether the given URL is different from the default URL of the specified result of the given job.
- isRegularIdentifier(String) - Method in class adql.parser.ADQLParser
Tell whether the given string is a valid ADQL regular identifier.
- isRunning() - Method in class uws.job.manager.DefaultDestructionManager
- isRunning() - Method in interface uws.job.manager.DestructionManager
Indicates whether a job is currently planned to be destroyed.
- isRunning() - Method in class uws.job.UWSJob
Tells whether the job is still running.
- isSchemaExisting(String, DatabaseMetaData) - Method in class tap.db.JDBCConnection
Tell whether the specified schema exists in the database.
- isSource(String) - Method in class tap.metadata.TAPForeignKey
- isStd() - Method in class tap.metadata.TAPColumn
Tell whether this column is defined by a standard.
- isStdTable(String, TAPTable[], boolean) - Method in class tap.db.JDBCConnection
Tell whether the specified table (using its DB name only) is a standard one or not.
- isStopped() - Method in class uws.job.UWSJob
- isString() - Method in class adql.db.DBType
Tells whether this type is about characters.
- isString - Variable in class adql.db.FunctionDef
Indicate whether the return type is a string.
- isString() - Method in class adql.db.FunctionDef
Tell whether this function returns a string.
- isString() - Method in class adql.query.operand.ADQLColumn
- isString() - Method in interface adql.query.operand.ADQLOperand
Tell whether this operand is a string or not.
- isString() - Method in class adql.query.operand.Concatenation
- isString() - Method in class adql.query.operand.function.DefaultUDF
- isString() - Method in class adql.query.operand.function.geometry.AreaFunction
- isString() - Method in class adql.query.operand.function.geometry.BoxFunction
- isString() - Method in class adql.query.operand.function.geometry.CentroidFunction
- isString() - Method in class adql.query.operand.function.geometry.CircleFunction
- isString() - Method in class adql.query.operand.function.geometry.ContainsFunction
- isString() - Method in class adql.query.operand.function.geometry.DistanceFunction
- isString() - Method in class adql.query.operand.function.geometry.ExtractCoord
- isString() - Method in class adql.query.operand.function.geometry.ExtractCoordSys
- isString() - Method in class adql.query.operand.function.geometry.GeometryFunction.GeometryValue
- isString() - Method in class adql.query.operand.function.geometry.IntersectsFunction
- isString() - Method in class adql.query.operand.function.geometry.PointFunction
- isString() - Method in class adql.query.operand.function.geometry.PolygonFunction
- isString() - Method in class adql.query.operand.function.geometry.RegionFunction
- isString() - Method in class adql.query.operand.function.MathFunction
- isString() - Method in class adql.query.operand.function.SQLFunction
- isString() - Method in class adql.query.operand.NegativeOperand
Always returns false.
- isString() - Method in class adql.query.operand.NumericConstant
Always returns false.
- isString() - Method in class adql.query.operand.Operation
Always returns false.
- isString() - Method in class adql.query.operand.StringConstant
- isString() - Method in class adql.query.operand.WrappedOperand
- isSubQuery() - Method in class adql.query.from.ADQLTable
Tells whether this table reference is a sub-query or a table name/alias.
- isSuccess() - Method in class tap.TAPSyncJob.SyncThread
Tell whether the execution has ended with success.
- isTableExisting(String, String, DatabaseMetaData) - Method in class tap.db.JDBCConnection
Tell whether the specified table exists in the database.
- isTarget(String) - Method in class tap.metadata.TAPForeignKey
- isTimeElapsed() - Method in class uws.service.file.EventFrequency
Tell whether the interval between the last event and now is greater or equals to the frequency represented by this object.
- isUnknown() - Method in class adql.db.DBType
Tell whether this type has been resolved or not.
- isUnknown - Variable in class adql.db.FunctionDef
Indicate whether the return type is an unknown type.
- isUnknown() - Method in class adql.db.FunctionDef
Tell whether this function returns an unknown type.
- isUsed() - Method in class uws.service.request.UploadFile
Tell whether this uploaded file has been or will be used.
- isValidXMLNodeName(String) - Static method in class uws.job.serializer.XMLSerializer
Determine whether the given name is a valid XML node name
according to the W3C (XML 1.1).
- isXMLRequest(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class uws.service.request.XMLRequestParser
Utility method that determines whether the content of the given
request is an XML (or XML-derived) document.
- iterationStarted - Variable in class tap.data.VOTableIterator
Indicate whether the row iteration has already started.
- iterator() - Method in class adql.db.DefaultDBTable
- iterator() - Method in exception adql.db.exception.UnresolvedIdentifiersException
- iterator() - Method in class adql.query.ADQLList
- iterator() - Method in interface adql.search.ISearchHandler
Lets to iterate on the list of all the matched ADQL objects.
- iterator() - Method in class adql.search.SimpleSearchHandler
- iterator() - Method in class tap.metadata.TAPForeignKey
- iterator() - Method in class tap.metadata.TAPMetadata
- iterator() - Method in class tap.metadata.TAPSchema
- iterator() - Method in class tap.metadata.TAPTable
- iterator() - Method in class uws.job.JobList
Gets an iterator on the jobs list.
- iterator() - Method in class uws.job.parameters.UWSParameters
- iterator() - Method in class uws.service.UWSService
An iterator on the jobs lists list.
- iterator() - Method in class uws.service.UWSServlet