- PARAM_ACTION - Static variable in class uws.job.UWSJob
Name of the parameter ACTION.
- PARAM_CREATION_TIME - Static variable in class uws.job.UWSJob
Name of the parameter creationTime.
- PARAM_DESTRUCTION_TIME - Static variable in class uws.job.UWSJob
Name of the parameter destructionTime.
- PARAM_END_TIME - Static variable in class uws.job.UWSJob
Name of the parameter endTime.
- PARAM_ERROR_SUMMARY - Static variable in class uws.job.UWSJob
Name of the parameter errorSummary.
- PARAM_EXECUTION_DURATION - Static variable in class uws.job.UWSJob
Name of the parameter executionDuration.
- PARAM_FORMAT - Static variable in class tap.TAPJob
Name of the standard TAP parameter which specifies the output format
(format of a query result): "FORMAT".
- PARAM_JOB_ID - Static variable in class uws.job.UWSJob
Name of the parameter jobId.
- PARAM_JOB_INFO - Static variable in class uws.job.UWSJob
Name of the parameter jobInfo.
- PARAM_LANGUAGE - Static variable in class tap.TAPJob
Name of the standard TAP parameter which specifies the query language:
- PARAM_MAX_REC - Static variable in class tap.TAPJob
Name of the standard TAP parameter which specifies the maximum number of
rows that must be returned in the query result: "MAXREC".
- PARAM_OWNER - Static variable in class uws.job.UWSJob
Name of the parameter owner.
- PARAM_PARAMETERS - Static variable in class uws.job.UWSJob
Name of the parameter otherParameters.
- PARAM_PHASE - Static variable in class uws.job.UWSJob
Name of the parameter phase.
- PARAM_PROGRESSION - Static variable in class tap.TAPJob
Name of the library parameter which informs about a query execution
progression: "PROGRESSION".
- PARAM_QUERY - Static variable in class tap.TAPJob
Name of the standard TAP parameter which specifies the query to execute:
- PARAM_QUOTE - Static variable in class uws.job.UWSJob
Name of the parameter quote.
- PARAM_REQUEST - Static variable in class tap.TAPJob
Name of the standard TAP parameter which specifies the type of request
to execute: "REQUEST".
- PARAM_RESULTS - Static variable in class uws.job.UWSJob
Name of the parameter results.
- PARAM_RUN_ID - Static variable in class uws.job.UWSJob
Name of the parameter runId.
- PARAM_START_TIME - Static variable in class uws.job.UWSJob
Name of the parameter startTime.
- PARAM_UPLOAD - Static variable in class tap.TAPJob
Name of the standard TAP parameter which defines the tables to upload in
the database for the query execution: "UPLOAD".
- PARAM_VERSION - Static variable in class tap.TAPJob
Name of the standard TAP parameter which specifies the version of the
TAP protocol that must be used: "VERSION".
- parameter - Variable in class adql.query.operand.function.geometry.CentroidFunction
The geometry whose the centroid must be extracted.
- parameter - Variable in class adql.query.operand.function.geometry.RegionFunction
The only parameter of this function.
- ParameterIterator(ADQLFunction) - Constructor for class adql.query.operand.function.ADQLFunction.ParameterIterator
- parameters - Variable in class adql.query.operand.function.DefaultUDF
Its parsed parameters.
- parameters - Variable in class tap.TAPExecutionReport
List of all parameters provided in the user request.
- paramIterator() - Method in class adql.query.operand.function.ADQLFunction
Creates an iterator on the parameters of this function.
- paramName - Variable in class uws.service.request.UploadFile
Name of the parameter in which the file was submitted.
- paramPattern - Static variable in class adql.db.FunctionDef
Pattern of a single parameter definition.
- params - Variable in class adql.db.FunctionDef
List of all the parameters of this function.
- params - Variable in class uws.job.parameters.UWSParameters
List of all extracted parameters.
- parse(String) - Static method in class adql.db.FunctionDef
Let parsing the serialized form of a function definition.
- parse(File) - Method in class tap.metadata.TableSetParser
Parse the XML TableSet stored in the specified file.
- parse(InputStream) - Method in class tap.metadata.TableSetParser
Parse the XML TableSet stored in the given stream.
- parse(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class tap.TAPRequestParser
- parse(String) - Static method in class uws.ISO8601Format
Parse the given date expressed using the ISO8601 format ("yyyy-MM-dd'T'hh:mm:ss.sssZ"
or "yyyy-MM-dd'T'hh:mm:ss.sssZ[+|-]hh:mm:ss").
- parse(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class uws.service.request.FormEncodedParser
- parse(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class uws.service.request.MultipartParser
- parse(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class uws.service.request.NoEncodingParser
- parse(HttpServletRequest) - Method in interface uws.service.request.RequestParser
Extract parameters from the given HTTP request.
- parse(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class uws.service.request.UWSRequestParser
- parse(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class uws.service.request.XMLRequestParser
- parseADQL() - Method in class tap.ADQLExecutor
Parse the ADQL query provided in the parameters by the user.
- parseBox(String) - Method in class adql.translator.PgSphereTranslator.PgSphereGeometryParser
Parse the given PgSphere geometry as a box.
- parseCircle(String) - Method in class adql.translator.PgSphereTranslator.PgSphereGeometryParser
Parse the given PgSphere geometry as a circle.
- parseColumn(XMLStreamReader) - Method in class tap.metadata.TableSetParser
Parse the XML representation of a TAP column.
- parseCoordSys(String) - Static method in class adql.db.STCS
Parse the given STC-S representation of a coordinate system.
- parseDALIParam(String) - Static method in class tap.parameters.DALIUpload
Extract the two parts (label and URI) of the given DALI parameter, and then, check their syntax.
- parseDataType(XMLStreamReader) - Method in class tap.metadata.TableSetParser
Parse the XML representation of a column datatype.
- parseDuration(String) - Method in class uws.job.parameters.DurationParamController
Parse the given duration string.
- ParseException - Exception in adql.parser
This exception is thrown when parse errors are encountered.
- ParseException(Token, int[][], String[]) - Constructor for exception adql.parser.ParseException
This constructor is used by the method "generateParseException"
in the generated parser.
- ParseException() - Constructor for exception adql.parser.ParseException
The following constructors are for use by you for whatever
purpose you can think of.
- ParseException(String) - Constructor for exception adql.parser.ParseException
Constructor with message.
- ParseException(String, TextPosition) - Constructor for exception adql.parser.ParseException
- ParseException(TokenMgrError) - Constructor for exception adql.parser.ParseException
- parseFKey(XMLStreamReader) - Method in class tap.metadata.TableSetParser
Parse the XML representation of a TAP foreign key.
- parseLimit(String, String, boolean) - Static method in class tap.config.TAPConfiguration
Lets parsing a limit (for output, upload, ...) with its numeric value
and its unit.
- parseLimit(String, String, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class tap.config.TAPConfiguration
Lets parsing a limit (for output, upload, ...) with its numeric value
and its unit.
- parseLimit(String, String) - Static method in class uws.config.UWSConfiguration
Lets parsing a limit (for upload, ...) with its numeric value and its unit.
- parsePoint(String) - Method in class adql.translator.PgSphereTranslator.PgSphereGeometryParser
Parse the given PgSphere geometry as a point.
- parsePolygon(String) - Method in class adql.translator.PgSphereTranslator.PgSphereGeometryParser
Parse the given PgSphere geometry as a point.
- parseQuery() - Method in class adql.parser.ADQLParser
Parses the query given at the creation of this parser or in the
ReInit functions.
- parseQuery(String) - Method in class adql.parser.ADQLParser
Parses the query given in parameter.
- parseQuery(InputStream) - Method in class adql.parser.ADQLParser
Parses the query contained in the stream given in parameter.
- parseRegion(String) - Static method in class adql.db.STCS
Parse the given STC-S expression representing a geometrical region.
- parseSchema(XMLStreamReader, List<TableSetParser.ForeignKey>) - Method in class tap.metadata.TableSetParser
Parse the XML representation of a TAP schema.
- parseTable(XMLStreamReader, List<TableSetParser.ForeignKey>) - Method in class tap.metadata.TableSetParser
Parse the XML representation of a TAP table.
- parseToDate(String) - Static method in class uws.ISO8601Format
Parse the given date expressed using the ISO8601 format ("yyyy-MM-dd'T'hh:mm:ss.sssZ"
or "yyyy-MM-dd'T'hh:mm:ss.sssZ[+|-]hh:mm:ss").
- PATTERN_DURATION - Static variable in class uws.job.parameters.DurationParamController
Pattern created with the Regular Expression of a valid duration string.
- PATTERN_PARAMETER - Static variable in class uws.config.ConfigurableUWSFactory
Regular Expression of a job parameters list.
- PERMISSION_DENIED - Static variable in exception uws.UWSException
- PgSphereGeometryParser() - Constructor for class adql.translator.PgSphereTranslator.PgSphereGeometryParser
Build the PgSphere parser.
- PgSphereTranslator - Class in adql.translator
Translates all ADQL objects into the SQL adaptation of Postgres+PgSphere.
- PgSphereTranslator() - Constructor for class adql.translator.PgSphereTranslator
Builds a PgSphereTranslator which always translates in SQL all identifiers (schema, table and column) in a case sensitive manner ;
in other words, schema, table and column names will be surrounded by double quotes in the SQL translation.
- PgSphereTranslator(boolean) - Constructor for class adql.translator.PgSphereTranslator
Builds a PgSphereTranslator which always translates in SQL all identifiers (schema, table and column) in the specified case sensitivity ;
in other words, schema, table and column names will all be surrounded or not by double quotes in the SQL translation.
- PgSphereTranslator(boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class adql.translator.PgSphereTranslator
Builds a PgSphereTranslator which will always translate in SQL identifiers with the defined case sensitivity.
- PgSphereTranslator.PgSphereGeometryParser - Class in adql.translator
Let parse a geometry serialized with the PgSphere syntax.
- phase - Variable in class uws.job.JobPhase
Current phase of the associated job.
- PHASE_ABORT - Static variable in class uws.job.UWSJob
Value of the parameter phase which aborts the job.
- PHASE_RUN - Static variable in class uws.job.UWSJob
Value of the parameter phase which starts the job.
- phases - Variable in class uws.job.serializer.filter.PhasesFilter
List of execution phases in which jobs to keep must be.
- PhasesFilter - Class in uws.job.serializer.filter
Job filter based on the execution phase.
- PhasesFilter(ExecutionPhase) - Constructor for class uws.job.serializer.filter.PhasesFilter
Build a
which will retain only jobs in the given
execution phase.
- PI - Static variable in interface adql.parser.ADQLParserConstants
RegularExpression Id.
- PLUS - Static variable in interface adql.parser.ADQLParserConstants
RegularExpression Id.
- Point() - Method in class adql.parser.ADQLParser
- POINT - Static variable in interface adql.parser.ADQLParserConstants
RegularExpression Id.
- point - Variable in class adql.query.operand.function.geometry.ExtractCoord
The point from which the coordinate must be extracted.
- PointFunction - Class in adql.query.operand.function.geometry
It represents the POINT function of the ADQL language.
- PointFunction(ADQLOperand, ADQLOperand, ADQLOperand) - Constructor for class adql.query.operand.function.geometry.PointFunction
Builds a POINT function.
- PointFunction(PointFunction) - Constructor for class adql.query.operand.function.geometry.PointFunction
Builds a POINT function by copying the given one.
- POLYGON - Static variable in interface adql.parser.ADQLParserConstants
RegularExpression Id.
- PolygonFunction - Class in adql.query.operand.function.geometry
It represents the POLYGON function of the ADQL language.
- PolygonFunction(ADQLOperand, ADQLOperand[]) - Constructor for class adql.query.operand.function.geometry.PolygonFunction
Builds a polygon function with at least 3 2-D coordinates (that is to say, the array must contain at least 6 operands).
- PolygonFunction(ADQLOperand, Collection<? extends ADQLOperand>) - Constructor for class adql.query.operand.function.geometry.PolygonFunction
Builds a polygon function with at least 3 2-D coordinates (that is to say, the vector must contain at least 6 operands).
- PolygonFunction(PolygonFunction) - Constructor for class adql.query.operand.function.geometry.PolygonFunction
Builds a POLYGON function by copying the given one.
- position - Variable in class adql.parser.IdentifierItems.IdentifierItem
- position - Variable in exception adql.parser.ParseException
Line in the ADQL query where the exception occurs.
- position - Variable in class adql.query.operand.NumericConstant
Position of this operand.
- PostgreSQLTranslator - Class in adql.translator
Translates all ADQL objects into an SQL interrogation query designed for
- PostgreSQLTranslator() - Constructor for class adql.translator.PostgreSQLTranslator
Builds a PostgreSQLTranslator which always translates in SQL all identifiers (schema, table and column) in a case sensitive manner ;
in other words, schema, table and column names will be surrounded by double quotes in the SQL translation.
- PostgreSQLTranslator(boolean) - Constructor for class adql.translator.PostgreSQLTranslator
Builds a PostgreSQLTranslator which always translates in SQL all identifiers (schema, table and column) in the specified case sensitivity ;
in other words, schema, table and column names will all be surrounded or not by double quotes in the SQL translation.
- PostgreSQLTranslator(boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class adql.translator.PostgreSQLTranslator
Builds a PostgreSQLTranslator which will always translate in SQL identifiers with the defined case sensitivity.
- POWER - Static variable in interface adql.parser.ADQLParserConstants
RegularExpression Id.
- Predicate() - Method in class adql.parser.ADQLParser
- prepareNext() - Method in class tap.metadata.TAPMetadata.TAPTableIterator
- prevCharIsCR - Variable in class adql.parser.SimpleCharStream
- prevCharIsLF - Variable in class adql.parser.SimpleCharStream
- printException(Throwable, PrintWriter) - Method in class tap.log.DefaultTAPLog
- printException(Throwable, PrintWriter) - Method in class uws.service.log.DefaultUWSLog
Format and print the given exception inside the given writer.
- printLogHeader(PrintWriter) - Method in class uws.service.file.LocalUWSFileManager
Print a header into the log file so that separating older log messages to the new ones.
- printStackTrace(Throwable, PrintWriter) - Static method in class uws.UWSToolBox
Prints the full stack trace of the given exception in the given writer.
- printURL(UWSUrl) - Static method in class uws.UWSToolBox
Displays all the fields of the given UWSUrl.
- printURL(UWSUrl, OutputStream) - Static method in class uws.UWSToolBox
Displays all the fields of the given UWSUrl in the given output stream.
- process(String) - Method in interface cds.util.LargeAsciiTable.LineProcessor
Process the given line.
- process(String) - Method in class tap.formatter.TextFormat.LineFormatter
- publishResult(Result) - Method in class uws.job.JobThread
Publishes the given result in the job.
- putExceptionInfos(Throwable, Map<String, String>) - Method in class tap.error.DefaultTAPErrorWriter
Add all interesting additional information about the given exception inside the given map.
- putTableAlias(String, String) - Method in class adql.db.SearchColumnList
Adds the given association between a table name and its alias in a query.
- putUserData(String, String) - Method in class uws.job.user.DefaultJobOwner