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PARAM_ACTION - Static variable in class uws.job.UWSJob
Name of the parameter ACTION.
PARAM_CREATION_TIME - Static variable in class uws.job.UWSJob
Name of the parameter creationTime.
PARAM_DESTRUCTION_TIME - Static variable in class uws.job.UWSJob
Name of the parameter destructionTime.
PARAM_END_TIME - Static variable in class uws.job.UWSJob
Name of the parameter endTime.
PARAM_ERROR_SUMMARY - Static variable in class uws.job.UWSJob
Name of the parameter errorSummary.
PARAM_EXECUTION_DURATION - Static variable in class uws.job.UWSJob
Name of the parameter executionDuration.
PARAM_JOB_ID - Static variable in class uws.job.UWSJob
Name of the parameter jobId.
PARAM_JOB_INFO - Static variable in class uws.job.UWSJob
Name of the parameter jobInfo.
PARAM_OWNER - Static variable in class uws.job.UWSJob
Name of the parameter owner.
PARAM_PARAMETERS - Static variable in class uws.job.UWSJob
Name of the parameter otherParameters.
PARAM_PHASE - Static variable in class uws.job.UWSJob
Name of the parameter phase.
PARAM_QUOTE - Static variable in class uws.job.UWSJob
Name of the parameter quote.
PARAM_RESULTS - Static variable in class uws.job.UWSJob
Name of the parameter results.
PARAM_RUN_ID - Static variable in class uws.job.UWSJob
Name of the parameter runId.
PARAM_START_TIME - Static variable in class uws.job.UWSJob
Name of the parameter startTime.
paramName - Variable in class uws.service.request.UploadFile
Name of the parameter in which the file was submitted.
params - Variable in class uws.job.parameters.UWSParameters
List of all extracted parameters.
parse(String) - Static method in class uws.ISO8601Format
Parse the given date expressed using the ISO8601 format ("yyyy-MM-dd'T'hh:mm:ss.sssZ" or "yyyy-MM-dd'T'hh:mm:ss.sssZ[+|-]hh:mm:ss").
parse(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class uws.service.request.FormEncodedParser
parse(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class uws.service.request.MultipartParser
parse(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class uws.service.request.NoEncodingParser
parse(HttpServletRequest) - Method in interface uws.service.request.RequestParser
Extract parameters from the given HTTP request.
parse(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class uws.service.request.UWSRequestParser
parse(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class uws.service.request.XMLRequestParser
parseDuration(String) - Method in class uws.job.parameters.DurationParamController
Parse the given duration string.
parseLimit(String, String) - Static method in class uws.config.UWSConfiguration
Lets parsing a limit (for upload, ...) with its numeric value and its unit.
parseToDate(String) - Static method in class uws.ISO8601Format
Parse the given date expressed using the ISO8601 format ("yyyy-MM-dd'T'hh:mm:ss.sssZ" or "yyyy-MM-dd'T'hh:mm:ss.sssZ[+|-]hh:mm:ss").
PATTERN_DURATION - Static variable in class uws.job.parameters.DurationParamController
Pattern created with the Regular Expression of a valid duration string.
PATTERN_PARAMETER - Static variable in class uws.config.ConfigurableUWSFactory
Regular Expression of a job parameters list.
PERMISSION_DENIED - Static variable in exception uws.UWSException
phase - Variable in class uws.job.JobPhase
Current phase of the associated job.
PHASE_ABORT - Static variable in class uws.job.UWSJob
Value of the parameter phase which aborts the job.
PHASE_RUN - Static variable in class uws.job.UWSJob
Value of the parameter phase which starts the job.
phases - Variable in class uws.job.serializer.filter.PhasesFilter
List of execution phases in which jobs to keep must be.
PhasesFilter - Class in uws.job.serializer.filter
Job filter based on the execution phase.
PhasesFilter(ExecutionPhase) - Constructor for class uws.job.serializer.filter.PhasesFilter
Build a PhasesFilter which will retain only jobs in the given execution phase.
printException(Throwable, PrintWriter) - Method in class uws.service.log.DefaultUWSLog
Format and print the given exception inside the given writer.
printLogHeader(PrintWriter) - Method in class uws.service.file.LocalUWSFileManager
Print a header into the log file so that separating older log messages to the new ones.
printStackTrace(Throwable, PrintWriter) - Static method in class uws.UWSToolBox
Prints the full stack trace of the given exception in the given writer.
printURL(UWSUrl) - Static method in class uws.UWSToolBox
Displays all the fields of the given UWSUrl.
printURL(UWSUrl, OutputStream) - Static method in class uws.UWSToolBox
Displays all the fields of the given UWSUrl in the given output stream.
publishResult(Result) - Method in class uws.job.JobThread
Publishes the given result in the job.
putUserData(String, String) - Method in class uws.job.user.DefaultJobOwner
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