position : 15 30 49.926 +06 00 56.28
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15 30 49.926 +06 00 56.28
FoV: 11.99'
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Gaia DR3 Part 1. Main source (Gaia Collaboration, 2022) (gaiadr3)QuickviewPlot
Gaia DR2 (Gaia Collaboration, 2018) (gaia2)QuickviewPlot
2MASS All-Sky Catalog of Point Sources (Cutri+ 2003)QuickviewPlot
Gaia EDR3 (Gaia Collaboration, 2020) (comscanl)QuickviewPlot
Gaia EDR3 (Gaia Collaboration, 2020) (gaiaedr3)QuickviewPlot
Gaia EDR3 (Gaia Collaboration, 2020) (tyc2tdsc)QuickviewPlot
AllWISE Data Release (Cutri+ 2013) (allwise)QuickviewPlot
The Pan-STARRS release 1 (PS1) Survey - DR1 (Chambers+, 2016) (ps1)QuickviewPlot
Distances to 1.47 billion stars in Gaia EDR3 (Bailer-Jones+, 2021) (gedr3dis)QuickviewPlot
Gaia DR3 Part 4. Variability (Gaia Collaboration, 2022) (vagn)QuickviewPlot
Gaia DR3 Part 4. Variability (Gaia Collaboration, 2022) (varisum)QuickviewPlot
Gaia DR3 Part 4. Variability (Gaia Collaboration, 2022) (vclassre)QuickviewPlot
Gaia DR3 Part 4. Variability (Gaia Collaboration, 2022) (veb)QuickviewPlot
Gaia DR3 Part 4. Variability (Gaia Collaboration, 2022) (vrm)QuickviewPlot
Gaia DR3 Part 4. Variability (Gaia Collaboration, 2022) (vst)QuickviewPlot
TESS Input Catalog version 8.2 (TIC v8.2) (Paegert+, 2021) (tic82)QuickviewPlot
Gaia DR1 (Gaia Collaboration, 2016) (gaia)QuickviewPlot
Gaia DR1 (Gaia Collaboration, 2016) (tgas)QuickviewPlot
Gaia DR1 (Gaia Collaboration, 2016) (tgasptyc)QuickviewPlot
TESS Input Catalog - v8.0 (TIC-8) (Stassun+, 2019) (tic)QuickviewPlot
AAVSO Photometric All Sky Survey (APASS) DR9 (Henden+, 2016) (apass9)QuickviewPlot
Gaia DR3 Part 6. Performance verification (Gaia Collaboration, 2022) (goldf)QuickviewPlot
Gaia DR3 Part 6. Performance verification (Gaia Collaboration, 2022) (goldoba)QuickviewPlot
Gaia DR3 Part 6. Performance verification (Gaia Collaboration, 2022) (syntphot)QuickviewPlot
NOMAD Catalog (Zacharias+ 2005)QuickviewPlot
AAVSO International Variable Star Index VSX (Watson+, 2006-) (vsx)QuickviewPlot
UCAC4 Catalogue (Zacharias+, 2012)QuickviewPlot
The Guide Star Catalog, Version 2.4.2 (GSC2.4.2) (STScI, 2020) (gsc242)QuickviewPlot
The Guide Star Catalog, Version 2.3.2 (GSC2.3) (STScI, 2006)QuickviewPlot
2MASS All-Sky Extended Source Catalog (XSC) (IPAC/UMass, 2003-2006) (xsc)QuickviewPlot
The CatWISE2020 catalog (updated version 28-Jan-2021) (Marocco+, 2021) (catwise)QuickviewPlot
The band-merged unWISE Catalog (Schlafly+, 2019) (unwise)QuickviewPlot
The Initial Gaia Source List (IGSL) (Smart, 2013) (igsl3)QuickviewPlot
WISE All-Sky Data Release (Cutri+ 2012) (wise)QuickviewPlot
The PPMXL Catalog (Roeser+ 2010)QuickviewPlot
ATLAS all-sky stellar ref. catalog, ATLAS-REFCAT2 (Tonry+, 2018) (refcat2)QuickviewPlot
The TESS Input Catalog and Candidate Target List (Stassun+, 2018) (table9)QuickviewPlot
Hot Stuff for One Year (HSOY) (Altmann+, 2017) (hsoy)QuickviewPlot
XPM Catalog of positions and proper motions (Fedorov+ 2011) (xpm)QuickviewPlot
UCAC5 Catalogue (Zacharias+ 2017) (ucac5)QuickviewPlot
A first catalog of variable stars measured by ATLAS (Heinze+, 2018) (table4)QuickviewPlot
The Hipparcos and Tycho Catalogues (ESA 1997) (tyc_main)QuickviewPlot
Gaia DR3 Part 2. Extra-galactic (Gaia Collaboration, 2022) (galcand)QuickviewPlot
Gaia DR3 Part 2. Extra-galactic (Gaia Collaboration, 2022) (qsocand)QuickviewPlot
Gaia Focused Product RElease (Gaia FPR) [Gaia Collaboration, 2023) (lenscand)QuickviewPlot
Gaia Focused Product RElease (Gaia FPR) [Gaia Collaboration, 2023) (lenscatn)QuickviewPlot
Gaia Focused Product RElease (Gaia FPR) [Gaia Collaboration, 2023) (lensout)QuickviewPlot
All-sky Compiled Catalogue of 2.5 million stars (Kharchenko+ 2009) (ascc)QuickviewPlot
PPMX Catalog of positions and proper motions (Roeser+ 2008)QuickviewPlot
Carlsberg Meridian Catalog 15 (CMC15) (CMC, 2011) (cmc15)QuickviewPlot
UKIDSS-DR9 LAS, GCS and DXS Surveys (Lawrence+ 2012) (las9)QuickviewPlot
ASC Gaia Attitude Star Catalog (Smart, 2015) (attitude)QuickviewPlot
1.7 million K and M dwarfs cross-matching (Medan+, 2021) (table12)QuickviewPlot
1.7 million K and M dwarfs cross-matching (Medan+, 2021) (table13)QuickviewPlot
1.7 million K and M dwarfs cross-matching (Medan+, 2021) (table2)QuickviewPlot
1.7 million K and M dwarfs cross-matching (Medan+, 2021) (table3)QuickviewPlot
1.7 million K and M dwarfs cross-matching (Medan+, 2021) (table4)QuickviewPlot
1.7 million K and M dwarfs cross-matching (Medan+, 2021) (table5)QuickviewPlot
1.7 million K and M dwarfs cross-matching (Medan+, 2021) (table6)QuickviewPlot
1.7 million K and M dwarfs cross-matching (Medan+, 2021) (table7)QuickviewPlot
All-sky catalog of solar-type dwarfs (Nascimbeni+, 2016) (ucac4rpm)QuickviewPlot
The SDSS Photometric Catalogue, Release 12 (Alam+, 2015) (sdss12)QuickviewPlot
Teff and metallicities for Tycho-2 stars (Ammons+, 2006) (tycall)QuickviewPlot
Teff and metallicities for Tycho-2 stars (Ammons+, 2006) (tycdwarf)QuickviewPlot
All-sky spectrally matched Tycho2 stars (Pickles+, 2010) (table10)QuickviewPlot
All-sky spectrally matched Tycho2 stars (Pickles+, 2010) (table11)QuickviewPlot
All-sky spectrally matched Tycho2 stars (Pickles+, 2010) (table15)QuickviewPlot
All-sky spectrally matched Tycho2 stars (Pickles+, 2010) (table16)QuickviewPlot
All-sky spectrally matched Tycho2 stars (Pickles+, 2010) (table7)QuickviewPlot
All-sky spectrally matched Tycho2 stars (Pickles+, 2010) (table8)QuickviewPlot
All-sky spectrally matched Tycho2 stars (Pickles+, 2010) (table9)QuickviewPlot
The USNO-B1.0 Catalog (Monet+ 2003)QuickviewPlot
The AC 2000.2 Catalogue (Urban+ 2001) (ac2002)QuickviewPlot
asPIC1.1 catalogue (Montalto+, 2021) (aspic1_1)QuickviewPlot
GaiaSimu Universe Model Snapshot (Robin+, 2012) (gum_gal)QuickviewPlot
GaiaSimu Universe Model Snapshot (Robin+, 2012) (gum_mw)QuickviewPlot
GaiaSimu Universe Model Snapshot (Robin+, 2012) (gum_qso)QuickviewPlot
FGK targets GaiaDR2/TESS matches (Deacon+, 2019) (tablea1)QuickviewPlot
Catalogue of white dwarfs in Gaia EDR3 (Gentile+, 2021) (maincat)QuickviewPlot
Parameters and IR excesses of Gaia DR1 stars (McDonald+, 2017) (table1)QuickviewPlot
15 million Gaia stars RGB phot. calibration (Cardiel+, 2021) (table2)QuickviewPlot
The Tycho-2 Catalogue (Hog+ 2000) (tyc2)QuickviewPlot
GALEX-DR5 (GR5) sources from AIS and MIS (Bianchi+ 2011) (ais)QuickviewPlot
Radio spectral index 147-1400MHz (de Gasperin+, 2018) (spidxcat)QuickviewPlot
Sloan Digital Sky Surveys (SDSS), Release 16 (DR16) (Ahumada+, 2020) (sdss16)QuickviewPlot
Calibrated griz magnitudes of Tycho stars (Ofek, 2008) (catalog)QuickviewPlot
GLADE v2.3 catalog (Dalya+, 2018) (glade2)QuickviewPlot
ASAS-SN catalog of variable stars (Jayasinghe+, 2018-2020) (catv2021)QuickviewPlot
Large-amplitude variables in Gaia DR2 (Mowlavi+, 2021) (tabled1)QuickviewPlot
AGNs in the MIR using AllWISE data (Secrest+, 2015) (table1)QuickviewPlot
JMMC Stellar Diameters Catalogue - JSDC. Version 2 (Bourges+, 2017) (jsdc_v2)QuickviewPlot
Revised catalog of GALEX UV sources (GUVcat_AIS GR6+7) (Bianchi+ 2017) (galex_ais)QuickviewPlot
Revised catalog of GALEX UV sources (GUVcat_AIS GR6+7) (Bianchi+ 2017) (table4)QuickviewPlot
MDFC Version 10 (Cruzalebes+, 2019) (mdfc-v10)QuickviewPlot
Variable 1.4GHz radio sources from NVSS and FIRST (Ofek+, 2011) (table1)QuickviewPlot
Variable 1.4GHz radio sources from NVSS and FIRST (Ofek+, 2011) (table2)QuickviewPlot
VLASS QL Ep.1 Catalog, CIRADA version (Gordon+, 2021) (comp)QuickviewPlot
GLADE catalog (Dalya+, 2016) (glade1)QuickviewPlot
GLADE+ (Galaxy List for the Advanced Detector Era) (Dalya+, 2022) (gladep)QuickviewPlot
Radio follow-up to 4FGL-DR2 unassociated sources (Bruzewski+, 2021) (table5)QuickviewPlot
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  • 2MASSØ
  • Gaia DR3Ø
  • SDSS DR12Ø
  • VizieR images
  • VizieR spectra
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